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- You and Kei have been dating for 2 months

- Lime🍋


You were laying on your bed looking over to your boyfriend, Tsukishima Kei, that has been studying for the last hour and a half with his headphones on. On your desk.

"Ugh, when I invited you over it was for having company because my parents weren't here tonight. Not because I wanted to look at you sitting there all night." you speak to yourself

"Did you say something, shorty?" Kei turned his head to face your direction. He moved one side of his headphones away from one of his ears in the process.

'Gosh, he's so hot-'
"Forget it" you said while getting up "I'm going for a glass of water."

You got out of the room and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Why doesn't he give me attention." you whine to yourself while grabbing your glass of water and drinking it.
Then an idea came to you mind...:
'If he doesn't give me attention, I'm about to make him, ehehe-'


You came back from the kitchen, sat on your bed and looked at him. You stayed still for a few minutes until he turns away from his books and looked directly at you, putting his headphones around his neck.

"I can feel your stares, (Name). What do you want. It's annoying me" he said

You never said anything to him, but sometimes you wanted him to... show a more affectionate side...

"Is it?" you said
"Yes, it is." he responds "If you're going to stare at me for that long, take a photo. It'll last longer" He stares at his notes again.

He said it and you did it. A few minutes later Kei recieves a snapchat from you. He opens it without looking back, at you.
The picture is a photo of him at that moment. It had the words «why don't you give me attention >:( »

He chuckled slightly and returned to his work. You didn't give up though.

He heard you get up and leave the room. Turning back, checking you weren't in the room, he sighed.
"Why is it so hard to show her my feelings." he whined "And Stop. Being. Cold. To her." he added

He recieved another snapchat from (Name), this time, it was a picture of her face. She was pouting. It had the words «this sofa is really empty yk?»

'What's her plan?' He asked to himself
Poor Kei didn't knew... Her plan was to annoy him until he gave her what she wanted.


In 5 minutes he recieved 63 snapchats of you. Sixty. Three.
He started to ignore it at snapchat number 12, but it was becoming harder and harder to ignore.

'That little shit, what the fuck does she want...?'

He got tired and annoyed from your nottifications. Every time he recieved one, his music stopped for a few seconds. Of course, (Name) knew that.

He took his headphones off, feeling defeated, tossing them with his phone onto his girlfriend's bed and started putting all his books back in his bag. He was done with studying. Now he had to deal with you.

He opened the bedroom's door quietly and started walking down the stairs only to hear you whine "uGH- Why doesn't he respond? I just wanted attentioooon..." he could feel that you were probably pouting and ready to send him more messages.

Tsukishima Kei x Reader ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now