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Friends. My friends, I think they don't know how much I love them. How much I need them. How much I care about them. Hearing their voices and feeling their touch, it gives so much to me more than any stuff or any books or something fantastic could do.

I always ask me, how others feel about friends?
So happy and totally full of joy like me ?
My best friends L., P., J. and R. If you're reading this ! I love you ❤️

Friends are so important for our mental health and our happiness level !
I noticed that especially in the last year
My grandma died at the beginning of that year and I needed mental support more than everything else.
My friends understood me and they helped me to get my joy back.
And right now I feel like I'm connected with my friends like I never was before.

With two of them I celebrated New Year's Day and all though I think especially you J. will never read this text, I have to say how much I enjoyed it! I feel so happy with you around me!
I want to see you everyday cause you helped me in this time of worrying.
You make me feel like I never felt before! You know how to care about me like no one else can do. You just don't ask about things you just listen to me and answer me not using words but using your eyes and your hands.
And all that even though we are not friends for really long time (about 2 years )

L., I think you know what comes know you are the person which I spent and still spending most of my time with.
I just love you! Doesn't matter if talking or silent, we understand each other better than ANY OTHER person could.
Even our parents. If you aren't there I'm wondering what I should do !
You have the best ideas what to do and you are the complete opposite of me so you help me in every difficult situation or when I'm not sure about something I plan to do!

P.,I can follow every crazy thought and idea and you are the person that will come with me to make it reality.
You are just as crazy about adventure like I am so someday we'll make a big adventure I'm sure about!
You are there for me in sad moments as well as in crazy happy moments,
But you make every memory shine a little brighter than it would be without you! You are the one that dreams with me and takes my dreams seriously as no one else!

We can talk about everything!
I need you because you can make me see different perspectives, and special aspects.You talk with me like no one else is allowed to do cause I need you to come back from stupid ideas or false imaginations. I told you things I couldn't tell even my other friends because I know that only you can help me with your thoughts and really deep advice! I know that my secrets are sure at yours :)

After this personal view into my friendships you maybe thought about your friends to ! Let today be the day of thanking your friends for the faith, joy,love, magic, and adventure they bring into your lives;)

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