New start

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The wind. I can't help but love the feeling of it upon my skin. Just like it's perfectly holding me and setting my worry free. I can't help but wonder about all the places it has been. It has seen it all. Miami's beaches, Hawaii's turtles and Pari's lights. Everytime it touches me I have flashes of memories. I can't help but wonder if they are mine. Are they my future, my present or my past? Either way, I can't wait to experience them, even if they might not even be mine. Someday, I'll be as free as the wind, but everything has its timing, said the stranger. My time to be light and peaceful will come. I only need to be patient. All I gotta do is enjoy this moment where the wind is speaking to me and try to understand it, even if we don't speak the same language. I can feel my body lifting slightly because of its power. It's making me feel like I could fly away to some place better. But gravity doesn't make it so easy. No matter how much I could hate it, I'm stuck on this planet full of wind and blinding lights on the sides of the road. At least I had a family for most of my time here. Might not be the best one but I still like it. Right now isn't a good example of what we were a year ago. If only we could go back to those times. Life was way easier. I wonder what John's family was like. The death of his wife must have been hard on him and his daughter, Mao. I still have to find her before his birthday. I sit on the nearest bench I can find. The cold water of the lake in front of me is surrounded by plants. I look at the trees all around me, with the stars looking down from the sky. This is quite beautiful. I open Facebook on my phone and start searching for her. No matter how many times I look into John's friends list, I can't find Mao. She doesn't seem to be a Facebook girl. John doesn't have any other social media accounts. Looks like finding her will be impossible. It's making me feel sad to abandon their reunion. He deserves to have somebody by his side right now. No one should be sick alone and he doesn't deserve to be. If I can't find his daughter, I'll be there for him. It might not be as good as a family member, but it's better than nothing. I put my phone back in my pocket and took out the letter. 'PS: I am where you stare at what might be green.' What could this possibly mean? How can something 'might' be green? Usually, you're certain of the color you see. Could he be colour blind? No, thats stupid. Maybe it's the name of a business. Like the Blue penguin or something but with the color green. What business though? This is a little hard to figure out. I don't know any business that starts with the word 'green'. A big exhale escapes my mouth as I lay my head in my hands. I look at the water's movement in front of me. I can see the reflection of the drawing in the sky and a plane slowly going further into the back background. I can also see a brown spot winging its way through the waves. It's a reflection of a sign hanging from a black pole. I can't read what's written since the water puts all the letters in reverse. I looked up only to read : The green water's park. What? I look back down only to see a dark blue puddle just in front of my feet. My mind gets so confused by this statement. Who would choose a name like this? Hee must be color blind. That's when a wave of enlightenment flows through my body. Now I'm the one who feels stupid. 'What might be green' is referring to the puddle that is described as green, but just truly isn't. I was on the right track after all. I get up from the bench and look around the lake. I can't see anything since it's so dark. I take my phone again to put on the flashlight mode. Now I can catch a glimpse of what looks like a bottle on the other side of the puddle, next to the other bench. I can hear the branches breaking under my feet as I go around the water. I take the bottle, but it's so dirty I can't see what's inside. I use the water next to me to clean the bottle and there appears to be, indeed, a paper rolled up inside. I open up the bottle, take out the old paper, open the letter only to jump to the end of it. 'Another stranger' is signed at the bottom, just as I wished. I jump a little in excitement. I found the second to last letter! Only one to go. Before reading the letter, I should maybe find shelter somewhere where I'll be less exposed to the cold. But where? I don't feel comfortable sleeping anywhere I don't know. When I was young, I would call my mom at 2 AM for her to come pick me up on a last minute notice since I changed my mind about sleeping there. I was too scared to sleep away from home, I wouldnt sleep all night until I got home. If it wasn't for my mom picking me up, I would've never been able to close an eye. I'm still the same old little girl. I don't want to sleep far away from home. But my mom and I both know I wont be welcomed at my house. I can only think of one other place to go.

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