Chapter 1 : Returning home

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Chapter 1 : Returning home

The stench of blood, sweat and alcohol hung heavily in the air. The crowd went wild, lusting for blood, urging the two individuals inside the locked cage on. The male contestant was throwing punches towards the upper torso of the female contestant. She easily dodges his punches while taunting him to keep rushing forward. She smiled a devilish grin while turning on the balls of her feet, swiftly positioning herself behind the male. She raised her left foot high in the air ,while keeping her weight shifted on her right, and aimed a powerful kick straight towards his temple. The  male crashed into the side of the cage from the impact of the powerful kick, laid still for a few seconds before coughing up a bile of crimson blood.

"Stay down mutt"

The female snarled viciously. The man's face contorted with pure rage. He snarled while lunging towards his female opponent. Laughter could be heard from inside the cage silencing the perplexed crowd. The female's left hand was on the male's neck, crushing it, digging her long nails in the skin around it.

"I gave you a fair warning, now let's see what the crowd wants me to do aye?"

 She laughed, looking content her eyes were filled with excitement.

The once silent crowd now started chanting and screaming for his blood.

"Kill him!"

"Finish it!"

"castrate the d@mn  f*cker!"

The girl simply nodded her head before raising her other hand towards the nape of his neck. She gripped it with both hands and reveled in the feeling of her sharp finger nails digging into the soft, smooth and sweaty flesh. She then dug her fingers into the soft supple flesh, blood leaving its trail on her once clean hands, and wrapped her long fingers around its prey.

"I always wonder why they call it a voice box?" she wondered out loud. Her voice sounding innocent like that of a child asking why the sky is blue.

The crowd went wild, encouraging her to continue, waiting with eager eyes for what was about to happen.

The panicking man pleaded and begged for mercy. His muffled whimpers fell on deaf ears as the crowd's voice overpowered it by far.

And then..

She ripped it out with one swift movement. His blood flooded away from his body faster and faster, pooling in dark crimson puddles beneath him. She could smell it, she could almost taste the metallic fluid in her mouth. The man let out on last gurgle before laying completely still, no blood flow, no heartbeat, no life in his eyes. The voice box still present in her palm, ripped away from its original place.

"Rose, well done" , a lanky dark haired man praised her while extending both of his skinny arms towards the small female. Rose simply glared daggers at the man.
"Skelly, you fvckin'  know I don't do no d@mn hugs." Rose snarled viscously .

"Eh, yeh still wanna be paid for 'night you ungrateful sh!t?!" Skelly retorted smiling.

Rose simply burst out laughing before looking towards the skinny man with adoration.
"It's good to be back again, I kind of missed this place to be fair".

Skelly beamed with pride at the girl, he took pride in her fight, pride in her friendship and pride at the mention of his beloved club.
"She's a beauty, ain't she?!"  the lanky guy said while making exaggerated hand motions towards the walls.
"I never imagined to see yeh back inside 'Nightwalkers' but I am glad yeh're still breathin'!"

"I never thought that I would still be up and running this far along the line" Rose joked with a smug little smile.

Rose really never had it easy to begin with, she kept running from town to town, she had only made a few acquaintances along the line. Skelly just happened to be  one of them, he might not look like much but looks can be deceiving for our kind.

When they met for the first time , about 7 years before, Skelly had been a mercenary that would do any job for the right price. He was one of the few that Rose had bonded with  over time, it might be because he was the one that found her when she was at her deepest point. He took it upon himself to train her in using her strength and made her find a reason to keep on living no matter the amount of pain she was in. Rose  considered Skelly her father in all but in blood.

"So what brings yeh back to this h3llh0le?" Skelly asked with a heart-warming smile proudly looking at his little girl. For Rose to have come back to town meant that there was something bigger going on.

She stared silently at the floor, shuffling her feet.

"Yeh need a job? If yeh do yeh start on Monday night, aye?"

 Rose's eyes lit up with relief,  glad that she wasn't going to starve.

"Am I even qualified for whatever  job you have in mind?" Rose asked with amusement and disbelief.

That statement caused Skelly to burst into laughter, his thin hands curling around his stomach as if it could ease his laughter.

His laugh attracted attention from regulars since it was rare for Skully to laugh with so much joy.

"Are yeh serious? Yer just ripped out someone's throat without breakin' a sweat er needing yer full strength, I can use a gurl like yeh on the floor. yeh know, breakin' up brawls and keepin' some peace aroun 'ere!"

 Rose simply nodded  saying she appreciated the trust he had placed in her.
"I won't let you down!" she said with a self-assured grin.

"I know yeh won' pup" Skelly said with a content smile.
"Since yeh won in the cages tonigh' I guess I should give yeh yer prize money, and if yer fine with it ye'll work all weekend nights starting this Friday?"

Rose nodded and turned to walk away.

A sinister smile creeped on Skelly's face.
"Oh and yer going to school if yer working here!!" He shouted at her retreating figure.

Rose simply kept on walking away.
"Boss, you think that she will do that? I mean, you know how Rose is, we are surprised she even came back here!"  A man exclaimed. Skelly simply shook his head with a knowing smile on his face. "She will, she will Patrick. She changed a lot since the last time 've seen her. She is finally letting it rest. We tried er best to save her, but wernn't capable of helping her anymore. She needs to find her own reasons to continue onwards from now on. She's realized this and accepted that as part of herself. Her rage is no longer consuming everything in its path. She is finally facing forwards."

Skelly let out a breath he had been holding for a while walking towards his office in the back. He motioned for Patrick to follow him.
"Double the patrols and keep an eye out for rogues. They will have noticed her return, and since she is responsible of the destruction of most packs in this area they'll not hesitate to strike at her on sight."
 Patrick nodded and started walking away to made sure to notify everyone of the information.
"Oh and Patrick, notify Venom and Midnight to return here we'll need their strength."

Patrick simply nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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