XIV. Dimensional Door

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Chapter 14 :
Dimensional Door

I went to the other page while sitting reading at my desk. I still can't get over what happened yesterday. If I could just turn back time, or if there was a spell here in the spell book I was reading to change the past, I would have studied and done so for a long time.

My eye caught a starters spell. Control and Magic Ethics. It says here, students go through hours of meditation to learn how to unlock their powers without losing control. As far as I remembered, Faris says I need to feel the flow of my energy in my hands. But eventually he forbade me to use magic, saying, I might even harm myself. I don't want to assume but is he concerned?

I lifted my gaze to the entirety of the classroom. They are all out of their seats and messing with their friends. My eyes caught Mika blushing chit-chatting with a boy always wearing a bonnet but with a look, Daniel, Dan in short. On the other hand, Hildegard was not in her seat as well as inside the classroom. She seems wandering around the campus.

"H-hoy! Gilbert!" someone hollered as my eye searched for who it was. My eyes widened when I found the uncontrollable named Stanley floating in the air while the well-known reprimand in our classroom could hardly breathe with laughter. Gilbert McBride. Others looked on and laughed. My vision returned to the spell book. Maybe they can help me.

I got up from my seat as I interject and then approached them at the same time, silence enveloped all of us. Gilbert stopped as Stanley suddenly fell to the floor. I heard them gossiping about me but I could not understand what they were saying.

"Can I talk to you two?" I asked as they nodded as their response.

We exited the classroom and headed down the corridor. As we were next to the corridor, Stanley was still massaging his back that had hit the floor earlier with a streak of pain on his face. Gilbert, on the other hand, had his hands in his pockets as he rubbed one of his tiptoes on the floor. Both their eyes were on the floor. They seemed scared or unwilling to make eye contact with me. Is it because I have also been rude to them? I don't understand. It seems everyone is afraid of me.

"D-do you have anything for us to do, princess?" Gilbert asked.

"N-nothing.. I just want to ask-" I forced a smile but Stanley suddenly cut me off.

"M-masyado ba kaming magulo sa classroom?" he asked, almost a mutter.

I gave them a smile not to intimidated them. "I don't have a problem with that. Just do what you want. But you must know your limitations," I said, causing them to look up at me. "By the way, I'm sorry to interrupt you two. Do you know the best place to practice magic?"

They stopped as the two of them looked at each other, seemingly hesitant to tell me. They had no choice but to tell me to follow them. We climbed the stairs until we reached the last floor. When I stepped into the open area, the wind blew on me. I looked up at the sky and I found a cool restful shady world with light and shut out the direct sunlight. As Gilbert went to the end of the rooftop, I turned to Stanley who was gasping for breath as he climbed the last step. "Pagod na ako!" he huffed as I approached him with a smile on my face.

"Pagpasensyahan n'yo na ko. Naabala pa kayo," I said as I pulled out of my pocket the little bag Eagan had given me this morning containing sweet candies. I handed it to him as his gaze went to the small coffee burlap bag. He accepted it. "Here. Someone gave it to me. But I am not fond of sweets. Paghatian n'yong dalawa,"

"Maraming salamat,"

"Princess! Dito!" Gilbert calls us causing I turn my gaze to him.

I approached him as he pointed to an abandoned building with four sets. I got stuck on my feet and ended up frowning. Wait a minute. Those buildings are familiar. I don't clearly remember but it was as if I had already reached that place. A broken window caught my eye. A memory popped into my mind. I was with Faris then while some black creatures were chasing us. The way he saved me out. The way he held my waist, with his bony and delicate hand when we jumped out the window. I found myself biting my lower lip, as it felt like a butterfly was flying in my stomach up to my chest.

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