The End

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F U N  F A C T S

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F U N  F A C T S

1. Pizzeria was inspired from the many (cough, 92, cough) I read on Wattpad. It started as random bits of conversation between two characters that evolved gradually.

2. I am not a planner. Even in Pizzeria I never planned the flow of conversations, I just winged it as I wrote. Of course, I had a few main ideas in my head but other than that, most dialogue was shower or midnight thoughts. 

3. The names just came to me as I wrote, and since they completely fit their personality, I didn't have any problem with this. 'Tucker' was originally named as Damien or Damon but I didn't want any TVD fans coming for me as I haven't watched it myself XD. With time, I grew fond of all my characters and I love them a lot.

4. Connor was initially supposed to like Addison, but I decided to remove that because he was too much like a cheeky mischievous brother. And also as I didn't want anyone hating him <3 

5. Also I decided not to add any exs or complications in their relationship because for once, I wanted to let y'all enjoy a simple though cheesy story :) 

6. Gradually as I wrote, I realised, that a wholesome story with no drama is what wattpad needed! 

7. I also changed the starting because Addison was sounding a tad bit rude in the beginning, especially to a customer.

8. After I wrote the epilogue, I wanted to brush up everything, that's when I realized that the story was a bit fast paced and you weren't getting enough banter between our two favorite characters. So I added two more chapters of drunk and hangover Tucker, if you haven't read it yet, go ahead and do it!

9. Oliver was a spontaneous character and didn't hold much importance at first. Later, I added the drunk Tucker chapter as a way to officially introduce him to Addison.

10. Now how do I say this, I did have an idea for a sequel for Marissa and Connor but decided not to do it yet as I have to finish my many incomplete books. Afterwards, I decided to include a bit of what their relationship would look like in the bonus chapters.

11. If you're wondering, I like Frozen better because as Tucker said, Elsa is sooo cool (literally).

12. I know most of you were waiting for a kiss but you've to understand, they just met in the epilogue. Even if they are together now, they don't really have to jump onto each other asap XD

13. Edit to the above point: I added the kiss in the bonus chapter because they had been together for around six months so I thought that was due :)

14. According to me, forehead and cheek kisses are the best. Also I love back hugs more than anything else. If I find time, I will upload two bonus chapters with a kiss and maybe children ;)

15. I love all of you readers for giving my book a chance. You've been extremely patient with me and your encouraging comments always bring a smile to my face. Replying to all of you is something I love to do, unfortunately I am really busy sometimes, but I will get back to you surely. I am really grateful to have all you readers in my life ❤️

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A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

Hola readersss, how are you on this fine day? Sorry, I'm a bit too excited.

My first book is complete. Woohoo! I feel like dancing, I am sooo happy!


What are your thoughts and view about it?

Do you have any ideas for songs that I can include in the playlist?

Just help me with these ^ so I can stop worrying about the finishing touch.

I still can't believe it's done, I will miss my babies :') And obviously you guys too, this has been one long journey, if you include the three, almost four, months of hiatus :p 

Anyways tell me who is your favorite character? 

Mine is Connor because I've always dreamt of building a tower with spoons. 

Jkjk, but I love him <33 

But that doesn't mean I don't like Addy's sarcasm or Tucker's perverted jokes. Ahhhh, I miss them already! 

Ooh and if you haven't already, please give a read to my other books too! I aspire to become a writer when I grow up and wattpad has brought be closer to my dream. Now I just need you guys to review it!

I don't mind critics, everyone is welcome here but please be polite when you're expressing your opinion :)

If anyone of you wants to talk about any of my books or fandom I am a part of, feel free to DM me!

So, I guess I'll go and yk be productive for now XD 

Until next time! Ciao <3

- Diana

- Diana

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