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It was one wrong movement. Just a few millimeters too close and just one second too late.

Kenma knew it was stupid, but it took him too long to realize just how high the price for his behavior was.


Kuroo: Is he still asleep?

Bokuto: Yeah, he worked the whole night, again...

Kuroo: On what? I haven't seen him stream or game in days, which is kinda concerning if I'm being honest.

Bokuto hummed in agreement.

Bokuto: Don't know for sure, something with a lot of charts.

They both threw another worried glance at their boyfriend when suddenly Kenma's alarm went off.

Kuroo frowned and walked over to put it off but before he could reach it Kenma woke up. The moment he understood what the other was doing the blond stared daggers at him.

Kuroo: Hey Kitten

His voice was soft as he reached for Kenma's hair but the smaller flinched away.

Kuroo sighed.

This had been a frequent occurrence these past days.

Kuroo: Kitten, you have slept for what, four hours?
Kuroo: That's not enough! Go back to sleep. Your work, or whatever it is you want to do can wait.

Kenma: I'm fine.

Bokuto: Kenma, we are just worried.

Kenma: Then stop, I'm an adult, I can handle things myself.

He went to get up and walk out but Kuroo stopped him holding onto his wrist.

Kenma stiffened.

Kenma: Don't touch me!

Immediately Kuroo let go of him as if he burnt his hand.

Kenma stormed off ignoring Bokuto, who was still staring at him, and the shocked expression on Akaashi's face, who stood in the door frame.

He just wanted to check on his boyfriends, when he heard the fight between Kenma and Kuroo.

Hearing that was bad enough in itself but seeing it hurts, really hurts. They never fought, not like this.

Akaashi: Testu-

Kuroo still stared at his hand, while sitting down on the bed, or rather collapsing onto it. He looked helpless, desperate even.

Bokuto: Tetsuro?

Kuroo didn't answer. His eyes were glossy and his fingers started to tremble.

Without another word, Bokuto hugged him.

No one spoke, even though they all wanted to. Akaashi and Bokuto tried to think of something to say, that could explain everything. Any kind of solution or positive detail, that would make things at least a bit better.

Kuroo: I- I just don't know what to do anymore.
Kuroo: He is hurting and I don't know why or how to stop it.

Akaashi: Tetsu

Kuroo: I- I've been with him for so long I should... I have to help him. I should know how to help him.

Bokuto's grip tightened and he buried his face in Kuroo's neck.

Kuroo: I am an awful boyfriend.

Bokuto: No

His voice was muffled by Kuroo's shirt and the other could feel Bokuto shaking his head ever so slightly.

Akaashi: Tetsuro you're not. You are not a bad boyfriend.
Akaashi: Not to us and not to Kenma.
Akaashi: This is not your fault. It never was.

Kuroo: Why isn't he better by now? If I truly did anything right-

Akaashi: Tetsuro this is not about you. Kenma isn't hurting because of you.

Even if Kuroo didn't accept it he needed to hear this and Akaashi needed to say it.

To his surprise, however, Kuroo nodded.

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