Chapter 1

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It's now or never, Katsuki thinks to himself as he sends a text to Izuku inviting the other boy over to his house. With the old man and the old hag gone for the month, he has the house to himself. It's the perfect time to get Izuku alone so that he can finally confess his feelings to his best friend.

Izuku wonders why Kacchan would ask him to come over instead of just coming over himself. It can't be Sakura's loud cries since his dads started her on quirk blockers after one fateful night where her cries were even too much for Hizashi to handle, the blonde hero having gone so far as to ask Hitoshi to use his quirk on her to get her to sleep. It didn't work because she was too upset to even respond to her older sibling, but it was definitely tried. Early morning, when Shouta had gotten back from his patrol, Hizashi begged him to use his quirk to make the overly loud cries stop, and Shouta hasn't let him live it down since.

"What, can't handle your own quirk?" Shouta had asked him.

Izuku laughs off the memory as he continues into an alleyway that he often uses as a short cut to school. Just then, he's attacked by a villain who seems to be made of some sort of slime like substance.

The villain attempts to use Izuku's mouth and nose as ways to enter the boy's body making him feel weak. He's been training with his dads for the past four years, and for what? A villain to kill him by flowing into him. Just as he's about to pass out from the lack of air, the villain is gone. Izuku stands and looks around until his eyes land on All Might.

Even after living with two pro heroes, one of them hating everything about All Might, Izuku still reveres All Might as the greatest hero, mabe not his favorite anymore, but still the greatest hero, so seeing the man up close and in person makes the boy giddy with excitement. Maybe if All Might tells him the same thing his dads have been saying for the past four years, he might fully believe it, even after this incident with the sludge villain.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" All Might exclaims. "And lively too."

Izuku is too shocked to respond. ALL MIGHT IS TALKING TO HIM!

"I must apologize! I got wrapped up in villain cleanup! I'm not always this way, I swear!" All Might exclaims. "Must have been off my game! Too excited by this unfamiliar land, perhaps!?"

At this point, Izuku is now confused. The number one hero is talking nonsense. For what reason does he have to apologize when he just saved Izuku from that sludge-like villain?

"But I must thank you!" All Might holds out a bottle with green liquid in it that Izuku assumes is the villain All Might just saved him from. "With your help, I've shut him into this bottle!"

Izuku goes to find his notebook that he had been carrying with him just in case he were to pass a villain fight. He's not missing this chance to get All Might's autograph, he had already gotten both of his dads' autographs as well as Auntie Nem's and Aunt Ajisai's in that notebook, so it would make it even greater to get All Might's added to that collection.

When he finds the notebook and opens it to the next page, he sees that All Might already autographed it. All Might is so cool, already knowing what Izuku would want.

"Well, I must deliver this perpetrator to the authorities," All Might says, walking away. "When next we meet, it will be through a TV screen."

"Eh!" Izuku finally finds his voice. "Already! You can't stay!?"

"Pros must do battle with villains and time itself." All Might is crouched to jump, but Izuku desperately needs to ask him a question, the most important question to a kid like him.

Without thinking, Izuku grabs hold of All Might's leg as he jumps and hitches a ride on the older man's jump.

Izuku is taking too long. Katsuki knows the route to walk to and from the other boy's house better than anyone, and he definitely knows that it doesn't take this long for someone to go between the two places. He also knows that Izuku gets distracted by heroes doing their job which worries him. What if Izuku gets caught up in a villain fight by accident. The boy has already suffered being attacked by a supposed hero course student, although that was four years ago, and Katsuki can't take the idea of something terrible happening to Izuku again, especially not before he finally takes the chance to tell Izuku how he feels about him.

With fear for his best friend situated in his heart, Katsuki leaves the house in order to hunt down the green haired boy. He grits his teeth as his worry shows itself in continuous explosions coming off his hands. What has that damn nerd gotten himself into this time?

He's walking down a market street when it falls in front of him, a green bottle that pops open releasing some sort of goop. The goop conceals into some sort of sentient form that starts talking about taking over Katsuki's body. The blonde boy fights against the villain to try and keep it away from his airways, but he knows it's not going to be enough. He needs a hero. Hopefully, one comes so that he can kick the nerd's ass for taking so long leading to him getting stuck in this situation.

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