Chapter 4

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"So, what did the pomeranian want with you yesterday?" Hitoshi asks at breakfast the next morning. They don't have school, so they'll be going directly to the training grounds today.

Izuku's face falls as he remembers what happened. Did he lose Kacchan as a friend after the way he reacted to that kiss? He hopes not. "It's complicated."

"He confessed, didn't he?" Akira butts into the conversation. "And you're afraid you lost him as a friend because of how you reacted?"

Izuku doesn't answer his sister, he just continues picking at his food until it's time for them to leave. Hopefully, he'll have a chance to talk to Kacchan at training. He doesn't want to lose his best friend.

Katsuki isn't at training, but there is a "special guest" who wanders into their training area unexpectedly. Izuku is shocked to see him there and finds himself accidentally activating his new quirk causing himself to snap the barbell he's using along with both of his arms.

"You should be more careful using your quirk," All Might comments as if he doesn't know Izuku after he rushes over at the same time as Shouta.

Shouta looks at All Might incredulously. "Izuku doesn't have a quirk." He focuses back on his son while shaking his head. "I'll call Chiyo. How did you manage to break both arms?"

"I-I think I m-may have manifested a quirk, d-dad," Izuku tries to act nonchalant, but he's in pain from both broken arms, and this is the first time he's lied to his dad ever.

Shouta crosses his arms. "What aren't you telling me, Izuku?" All Might tries to slip away, but Shouta notices. "You know something, don't you?"

Izuku is thankful that Hitoshi is on the other side of the gym working on core exercises today. "C-can we talk about it i-in your nap room, dad?"

Shouta is worried. Izuku hasn't stuttered since he was eleven. "Fine. After Chiyo looks at your arms." He turns to Hitoshi. "Can I trust you not to overdo it while I'm gone?"

Hitoshi yells an affirmative, and instead of calling Recovery Girl, Shouta lays Izuku's broken arms across the boy's chest before picking him up bridal style to carry him to the nurse's office.

"Did he call you dad, Aizawa?" All Might asks as he follows the pair of father and son to the nurse's office.

Shouta nods in affirmation.

"Aren't you a little young to have a son his age?"

Shouta scoffs. "If you must know, All Might, my husband and I adopted Izuku three years ago, but I do have another child his age who is my biological child."

All Might nods. He wonders if the other child plans to go into the heroics course with their brother. They travel the rest of the way to Recovery Girl in silence, and the moment she sees Izuku's arms, Chiyo turns to All Might with a questioning look on her face. He can tell that she knows, and considering Izuku is the son of one of the UA teachers, he assumes that she already knows him well.

After she heals Izuku's arms, Chiyo drags All Might aside. "Of all the children you could have chosen." She shakes her head. "Aizawa's going to go berserk when he finds out. He's extremely protective of Izuku."

Shouta tries his best not to ask questions until Izuku wakes back up from the nap Recovery Girl's quirk caused him to take. Once he's awake, and has been given the energy gummy, Shouta drags Izuku and All Might to the nap room and locks the door.

Shouta doesn't even let them settle in before asking about what just happened. "Is someone going to tell me how my quirkless son just snapped a barbell in half? Especially since it caused his own arms to end up broken as well."

All Might nods at Izuku. "Don't worry, young Midoriya, as a staff member at UA, your father already knows about my limit." He releases his hero form. "All of the UA staff knows about my condition. Only certain ones knew about the other thing, though."

Izuku takes a deep breath before explaining everything from the day before.

"YOU TOLD HIM WHAT!?" Izuku hasn't even finished his story, he just got to the part where All Might told him that he couldn't be a hero without a quirk. "IZUKU IS A CHILD! YOU DO NOT TELL A CHILD THAT THEIR DREAM IS IMPOSSIBLE! NOT ONLY THAT, BUT DID IT EVER EVEN OCCUR TO YOU THAT I BASICALLY FIGHT QUIRKLESS!?"

All Might has the decency to look ashamed, but he still points out his reasoning. "You of all people know how dangerous it is, Aizawa. Why would you let your son believe that he can become something he can't?"

Shouta glares at All Might. "That's why I'm training him so hard. He can become a hero, and I've been making sure he has the strength to handle it."

"Of course he can become one now," All Might comments, completely forgetting his prior shame. "I gave him my quirk."


At this Izuku grabs hold of his dad to keep the dark haired hero from hitting All Might. Shouta levels the older man with a quirk laden glare.

"You didn't let me finish, dad."

"There better be a good explanation in there as to why you accepted his quirk without telling Hizashi or I anything about it."

Izuku continues with his story, going so far as to even explain the situation with Kacchan in hopes that his dad might have some advice for him, then he sits in silence to let everything sink in for his dad.

Shouta pinches the bridge of his nose. "We have ten months to get you used to this quirk, and I'm driving you over to the Bakugous after training. It seems like you and Katsuki have some things to discuss. Also, you're going to be the one to tell Hizashi about this whole quirk situation."

Izuku gulps. Dealing with his dad is scary enough, but one can never tell what the status of their eardrums is going to be after telling Hizashi anything that's possibly upsetting. He's definitely not looking forward to that conversation.

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