Chapter 13: Good Morning

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Sonic's POV:

After Amy quite literally threw up after kissing me, I sadly go sit down by myself in the booth.


Shadow's POV:

This is stupid. Why did I even come here?

After sitting all night by myself listening to the loud annoying music, Amy walks up to me looking pale and tired.

"Are you okay Rose?"

She plops down next to me and lays her head on my shoulder. I'm surprised by the action, but I don't tell her to move.

"I drank too much. Then I kissed Sonic. Then I threw up."

Wait, what?

"You kissed that faker?"

She nods.

"And then...You threw up?"

She nods again, and the thought of seeing the look on Sonic's face amuses me.

"Do you want to go home? You don't look well."

Again, she nods.


After saying goodbye to Tails and handing him his present, I walk Amelia home and get her inside.

And in doing so, I find out that she's a very giggly drunk. Not to mention a flirt.

"Why can't you just take it off for me?"

I cross my arms. "Because I'm not the one who put it on. Therefore it's not my responsibility to take off."

She pouts, and I quickly turn the other way as she starts stripping in the middle of the room.

Not that there was really much to take off to begin with.

Hearing her closet door slide open, I go downstairs to get her a glass of water. As I'm filling it up, I hear a tumbling noise by the stairs. Turning around, I drop the cup and quickly run to the stairs to catch her before she hits the ground. The impact knocks me over, and in the process she somehow ends up on top of me.

"Hehe soooorryyy Shadowww."

I sigh as she buries her face in my chest.

It's going to be a long night.


Amy's POV:

I squint my eyes as the sunlight sends a wave of pain spinning through my head. Blocking the light with my hand, I look to my right to see Shadow slumped over with his head on my bed. Trying to slip out of bed as quietly as possible, his ears twitch as I pull the curtains shut. He looks up at me, and I pull the covers back to make room for him.

"I'm fine here."

Cuddling back up under the blankets, I pat the space next to me. "You slept in a chair all night Shadow. Just get in the bed."

He looks skeptically at the bed before standing up. I roll my eyes at his expression. "We can put a pillow border in between us if you really want to."

He doesn't respond, too tired to come up with a witty comeback.

So much for the ultimate life form not needed rest.

Scooting over to give him plenty of room, I turn over and hug my pillow. Feeling the drowsiness tug at my eyelids, I yawn and drift back to sleep.

After a much needed rest and some medicine, I decide to make breakfast for Shadow. It's the least I can do, seeing as I acted like a brat last night. He must have smelled the pancakes cooking downstairs, because he smiles as he sees them sitting on the counter.

"They're forgiveness pancakes. Sorry for...Uh, the way I acted last night."

He raises an eyebrow before stabbing a fork into the stack of pancakes. "You mean demanding I strip you? A very charming drunk you are indeed, Rose."

My checks flush red in embarrassment as I look away. "Whatever, shut up and eat your pancakes."

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