Chapter 30: Take it to a Vote

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Sonic's POV:

Rubbing my temple as everybody talks over one another, I hear Sally's calm yet stern voice rise above the others.

"We're not going to get anything done by arguing, speak one at a time for the love of Mobius, please."

I give her a grateful look. She looks just as frustrated as I am, seeing as it's her birthday and she most likely has plans.

"I know that we're all Amy's friends, and that we all have very different opinions, but we all have places to be today so lets not lose our heads over this."

Nearly cutting me off, Knuckles abruptly starts adding in his two cents.

"I love Amy like a little sister, but she's also got a lot more to lose than us over this. Think about what would happen if the human world got wind of what we're doing."

Tails nods.

"I agree with Knuckles, I don't think it's a good idea."

Huffing loudly, Rouge crosses her arms.

"Can we please talk about the elephant that's not in this room? Amy should be just as much a part of this conversation as we are."

I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck, seeing as that would be my fault. Although Amy grew up, the one thing she never grew out of was baking. I told her that I wanted to surprise Sally with a small surprise party for her birthday. Her and Sally still have a lot to work out, but when I asked for her help baking some of Sally's favorite sweets she accepted, well, sort of at least. She begrudgingly said yes after I told her it was important to me for Sally to have a good birthday today. So I sent her to town for sweets and a long list of other things to keep her busy while I held this meeting.

"I know how Ames feels about all of this. Now I want everyone else's opinions."

They all look around hesitantly at each other.

I notice Silver, quiet as always, glance worriedly at Blaze. The poor cat offered to patrol town last night by herself and looks as if she's about to fall asleep on the table. For as long as Silver's been pining after Blaze, you'd think they'd be together by now. I guess he hasn't worked up the courage to ask her yet. But whether they're dating or not, he always sticks up for her.

He sighs, sneaking one more quick look at Blaze before speaking up.

"I think we should put it to a vote."

Blaze looks up at him with a grateful gaze as he smiles down at her.

"Sounds good to me, I haven't had lunch yet and I'm starving."

Rouge rolls her eyes at Knuckles as she mutters under her breath.

"Always thinking about food."

"Alright, everyone supporting that Amy goes on the mission to take down Eggman, raise your hand."

Rouge, Blaze, Silver, Maria, Cream, and myself.

"Everyone supporting Amy not going, raise your hand."

Knuckles, Tails.....And Shadow? He's been training her, why would he vote against her coming?

"Majority rules, Amy gets to go with us."


Amy's POV:

Putting the finishing touches on Sally's birthday cake, I glance at the time. 5:00 PM, and the surprise party starts at 6:00 PM.

That's plenty of time to put the decorations up.

I took me forever to get everything for this surprise party seeing as Sally's birthday falls on a Mobian holiday. With all of the shops closed, it took me hours to find all of the ingredients I needed.

I love baking, but I'm by no means an expert cake maker. For her cake, it's a simple one tier with white icing. The words "happy birthday" are written on the top with lilac buttercream, seeing as Sonic told me that was her favorite color. On the edges around the top and bottom of the cake is a dainty border that I piped on with a star tip. It looked pretty plain, so I threw on some rainbow sprinkles until it looked....Well, not plain anymore.

The flavor of the cake is her favorite, which is of course: walnut vanilla. Which I guess is fitting for a squirrel.

Popping the cake in the fridge to chill while I hang up the small amount of happy birthday banners and streamers that I was able to get, the rest of the group starts trickling in one by one to surprise Sally.

Slapping Sonic's wrist as he tries to grab a cookie from the assortment platter that I made, he starts pouting.

"She'll be here in literally 3 minutes, you can wait."

He continues pouting, and I roll my eyes.

"Fine. One."

He excitedly grins, snatching an oatmeal raisin cookie before I change my mind. Re-organizing the cookie platter to make everything symmetrical again, I see Shadow walking up to the brownies out of the corner of my eye.

"No! Y'all are like vultures! Just wait for Sally to get here and you can eat whatever you want."

Shadow crosses his arms before glaring at Sonic, who's happily munching on his cookie.

"Fine. But I want a whole pan."

"A whole pan?!"

He nods, completely serious.

"Fine, just leave them alone!"

"She's coming, everyone hide!!"

As Tails yells for us to hide, we all hunker down and wait for her to open the door.

"Hellooo? Sonic? What did you want to talk abou--"


She jumps in shock as the lights flip on and we all jump up.

As everyone runs to hug her and wish her a happy birthday, I find myself hanging back. As petty as it may seem, I still haven't fully forgiven her for ruining our friendship so many years ago.

It was easy to forgive Sonic, so I guess some part of me wonders why I can't move on with Sally. Sonic has always been the closest thing to family I've ever had, and I hated it so much when Sally came in and snatched him away from me. His time, his happiness, and his affection, which at the time was what I wanted the most. And I'll admit that mistakes or not, some part of me still loves him.

Just not in the way I did before.

Sonic is family, and I can never get rid of the bond that I have with him.

"Why aren't you with everyone else, they're cutting the cake."

Glancing to the right as I hear Shadow's deep yet quiet voice, I notice that Maria isn't with him.

"I don't feel like socializing right now, and that includes you. Where's Maria?"

Grumbling as he crosses his arms for what seems like the 100th time, he looks down at the ground.

"She's mad at me."

Not my circus, not my monkey.

"That's too bad."

As I turn to walk away, I feel Shadow grab my arm.

"Amelia, wait."

"I can take the brownies with me, right?"

Episode Bonus, a picture of Sally's cake !

-------------------------------------------------------Episode Bonus, a picture of Sally's cake !

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