Chapter 21

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For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.
Mark 8:35 KJV

"You funny" I said as I laughed at Cj. We are currently chillin at his house cause we're reading the Bible. And before you ask, no ones knows I'm over here except Desire

"Nah you the goofy one" Champ pointed at me

I closed my Bible and journal as he did the same. This was my first time ever reading the Bible so I don't know what to do next.

"Whats next?" I asked as I sat cross cross apple sauce on his bed. He was on the other side of the bed. Usually I wouldn't really go to a boys room if his parents wasn't home. But he never once flirted with me or touched me. All he ever really do is talk about God. Plus his room door is wide open. And it's only us in the house right now.

"Time to pray now. You know we opened the Bible study with a prayer to give us understandin ?" He said

"Mhm" I hummed

"Ight now we end the Bible study with a prayer" he said as he got on his knees while leaning on the bed

"Oh I didn't know we hadda get on our knees" I said as I got up from the bed to be next to him for prayer

"I mean you don't have to. I just do it sometimes" he said

"Okok. Welp I'm doin it anyways. Who prayin first ?" I asked as I kneeled down and closed my hands

"You start it" he said as he bowed his head and closed his eyes

I quickly bowed my head and closed my eyes "God I'm not quite sure what to say. Thank you for the Bible study. I'm learning about you. The end" I said as I ended my prayer

"Say in Jesus name I pray thank God Amen" champ said

"Oh In Jesus name I pray thank God Amen" I added

"Whatchu got goin on God?" Champ started his prayer

I lifted my head to see if he was for real or if he was jokin. I seen him still closing his eyes and all. I know he ain't talkin To God like that. Is that even allowed ?

"I pray that you please continue to watch over me and my family. God can I ask you somethin tho, you already know this been on my mind heavy. Ain't it a sin to cuss ? Cause everybody tellin me that I took that scripture outta context. Like nah back up some. N LORD help me with my anger please cause I really be tryin to calm down but people be tryin my patience for real. I'm tryna have all the fruits of the Spirit so I know I fasholy needa work on that" he went on with his prayer for about another 5 minutes.

"In Jesus name I pray thank God Amen" he said as he got up from the floor

"Amen" I said as I got up as well

"That long ol prayer" I laughed

"I be prayin longer than that sometimes" he said as he walked downstairs to his living room. I followed

"Aye why you pray like that tho? Like you talk to him like he your homie or something" I said

"The Bible says that we have a friend in Jesus. So yea He my bestfriend" he said while drinking a gallon of orange juice from the refrigerator.

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