The Rabbit Protocol

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"The Rabbits have come to graze the grass"

Y/N's Pov

I blocked the attack of the robot and deflected it with the ego, the strength of the umbrella was enough to break the robot's arm, i finished him closing the umbrella and piercing his head with it.

Y/N: Not bad! Not bad...

Archer looked at me with a small smile as the structure that produces those robots gets destroyed by him.

Archer: You did good!

Y/N: Now can you tell me what i want to know?

Archer: Oh boy...alright, i suppose i can take a little break after this.

He leans against the wall as i waited him to speak about it, since I've seen that woman in that nightmare, i somehow know how is she called...Nashandra isn't it? I don't know her but only the name, it wasn't the same thing as Connor's chaser.

Archer: She's my ex girlfriend, a tough and insane woman i could say, before even being a fixer of the full stop office i was of the viper office, which she was the leader.

Y/N: Judging by how she spoke did you and her...

Archer coughs up a little before answering my question.

Archer: Oh well, this is a little personal isn't it?! But...yeah, this was some months before we broke up and i got into the full stop office. We became even enemies for a time and she killed one of my comrades, i hired someone from the owl office to give her a threat to stop, what was the guy's name that i hired...? Hank I suppose. Guess what? I've found her on the middle of the job and we even fought, that's my loveable relationship ship with her for ya.

The owl? I remember that coming from Quinn...maybe i should ask her someday about that, it may help me knowing even more about myself

Y/N: Do you by any chance knew me or think that she knows me? I mean, i don't remember Nashandra but i know her name

Archer: I wouldn't be surprised if you knew her but at least for me, i only met you for the first time in this place.

We kept talking until a familiar voice interrupted us, i haven't seen Angela in a while.

Angela: Y/N, the manager requests your presence, even if i disagree with his decision he told me to bring someone with you this time, but with the exception of Connor.

Archer: Huh, let me out of this, i don't want to deal with this shit whatever it is, see you later Y/N and Manager's AI.

He got up and left the corridor, so i can't bring Connor and maybe it's a good idea to let Space out of this too since both of them needs a little time together.

Maybe I'll bring Cedric this time, it may be a good idea since he's the head of the captains i guess.

I contacted Cedric telling that i have to bring him with me to the Manager's office room, he agreed and said he'll be there.

Angela: Shall we go now.

She said as we both walks to the Manager's room, as we arrive we are greeted by him, Gebura and a woman that was wearing a black and orange armored clothing with a helmet similar to the head of a rabbit, with long ears with black borders and an orange interior.

???: So this is the person that the Manager wanted to wait huh? Is it a vip or something?

Manager: You can think like that...

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