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"A machine should behave as a machine."

The feeling of losing someone you met almost everyday and knowing you'll never meet it again... i never wanted to feel that, but since Y/N died i can't stop thinking how it would be good to talk with my friend again. I wasn't even using my ego today with the exception of my wings because it's the last day of work and things can't go wrong...for them.

Space: Hey...are you okay?

Connor: Yes, i just... can't believe you know? It was right in front of me.

Space: It's okay, come on, the manager said that today there will be no trial or challenge for us, if you want we can go meet every captain or agent.

I felt the embrace of Space and she convinced me to at least do that, i nodded and the both of us left the training department to go to the control's main room.

We found Crystal looking her agents and clerks working hard, as she saw us she smiled.

Crystal: Connor, Space, came here to check on me?

Connor: I guess so.

Space: How you've been doing? Since this may be our last day here.

Crystal: Okay i guess, I'll go back to Venus with money and Shade since i promised to make him a better person, gotta take care of the only member of my family and of that guy, I'll see if I get some work on an association this time, any recommendations?

Space: How about Liu? Connor worked there and he liked very much, if i could i would actually try someday to see it for myself.

Connor: There's some good over there but i recommend to not rush, even through she knows how to fight...

Crystal: I'll think about that suggestion!

Connor: And Malkuth? How is she now?

Crystal: She got better, now she's not that Malkuth that always disposed of employees and we've been talking very much!

Space: I am happy for you and her, we should be going now.

Crystal: Alright, see you later!

She seemed fine with everything, even after... Me and space got into the information department to meet Cedric, we arrived meeting him.

Cedric: Hello, you haven't contacted on the radio so i suppose you have come here to talk, am i right?

Space: Yeap! How have you been doing?

Cedric: I am uncertain of the answer, to get out of this job and my sephirah gets his eternal rest... Things will change and i need to change too.

Connor: So you won't go back at R Corp are you?

Cedric: No, also how do you know that?

Connor: Cycles, remember when I told everyone about that? One of them happened for me to discover that even if i never searched for it.

Cedric: Sure, that was a stupid question of mine.

Space: There is many options for you, whatever you choose we'll support you.

Connor: She's right, if you need any help just talk to us.

Cedric: I appreciate it, now if you excuse me i have to see if everything is alright with the employees here.

We all could feel the ground shaking a little something as if the facility was preparing something, i don't know how... it's like tremble but it wasn't like with abnormalities, we looked into each other but the manager said yesterday that things like that would happen.

The Lobotomy CycleWhere stories live. Discover now