chapter 3

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It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.

John Joseph Powell, The Secret of Staying in Love


Love, warmth, two things for which a man can overlook his miserable and incomprehensible deeds. Jungkook may know this but never felt it. He doesn't know why everything has to be like this, where he have to return to place he hates most that being hospital. Sitting there in a empty hallway, among people running here and there to save the lives of their loved once. Ironic! He was once running there too...and now he is sitting there looking at people seeing himself in each worried face and every tears. Once his shirt was covered in blood, the helplessness he felt ... When his heart was shattering with every passing second" even the flashes of that day made his body tremble.

Oh! Jungkook you are still here?? Lisa doesn't want to meet anyone right now,I hope you understand.she needs a little alone time to settle it mentally first. Namjoon said to Jungkook.

Yes hyung... I understand. I'm here because I want to return your phone and I have a message for you too. He told Namjoon.
Oh yeah..what it's about?? Namjoon asked, taking the phone from his hands and started checking for any update..was it from Jennie?? He asked.
No,... amm yes it is what the contact said but it was someone named Taehyung..he took a pause and pushed his hair backwards out of habit.

He said that...that they reached safely and you dont need to worry he continued licking his lips.
Oo Tae..okay...well... Jungkook why are you so nervous! does Tae said something inappropriate??? He is a little childish Namjoon explained chuckling.
Jungkook looked at him and smiled hearing the piece of information he never knew he needed to hear, that too about the stranger he dont even knew about. He wanted to hear more but didn't wanted to overstep his boundries. he didn't said anything it's just I had a long day and I desperately need to go back to studio, is it ok if I tag along?. He asked avoiding namjoon's gaze.

No problem...Okay then, let's go,I'll take you. Yoongi and hoseok hyung will be here anyway..Namjoon told him and started moving towards end of corridor. Jungkook quickly peeked into the room looking over unconcious lisa, he whispered good night and ran towards the parking.

It's not that he was being irresponsible Jungkook was a great friend but he understands sometimes people need some alone time to process things.

He knew lisa for a long time He knows sometimes people dont need their closed once to sympathize them,he knew she was born to be a performer. It's just not easy for lisa to know she'll not be able to dance for months as she broke her taulas(a small bone that sits between the heel bone (calcaneus) and the tibia and fibula.) It was too much for her and junkook knew this..... he don't even know if something like that happened to him what will he do!! It's his biggest nightmare to not being able to perform. So, he did what he would expect if he was in lisa's shoes. He left her so she can figure out this situation and have some mental rest too.

As soon as he reached namjoon's car he saw namjoon was talking to someone. He stood behind him patiently waiting for him to end the conversation.

No tae...I love you don't be mad at me Namjoon spoke smiling his dimples visible and eyes forming beautiful crescent shape.

He doesn't wants to eavesdrop but as soon as he heard "taehyung" he froze there he felt the need to know what Namjoon is saying, what they are talking about.

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