chapter 8

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We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, 'Blessed are they that mourn,' and I accept it. I've got nothing that I hadn't bargained for. Of course it is different when the thing happens to oneself, not to others, and in reality, not imagination.

C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed


They all reached the hospital, and everyone gathered around Lisa. They really love her—not just because she was in the show but because they genuinely love her. Taehyung could see it. He was happy to be part of a show with genuine people, rather than those who only care about profits. They were all talking, more like teasing Lisa, while Taehyung awkwardly stood near the door. He didnt want to be the center of attention and felt bad for Lisa. He just smiled at them; they were like a little family.

"Hi, Taehyung!" Lisa said, catching everyone's questioning gaze.

"You two know each other?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah, kind of. Not the meeting I would wish for, though. Taehyung was the one who defeated me in contemporary dance last year," Lisa said, her face void of any emotion. "I'm sorry, Taehyung, for that day too. I hope you understand that was my first defeat. I cant take my defeat gracefully; I get pissed. So, what I said that day was my pissed mind and hurt ego. That doesnt mean Jimin was right," she chuckled.

"Taehyung, please come near me," she gestured for him. Taehyung came and sat near her legs where Jungkook had been sitting a moment ago.

"We are clueless. What are you saying? And Jimin?" Jungkook asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, let's say I lost to Taehyung, and Namjoon was one of the jury members, so I blamed him for cheating because he had connections with Namjoon. I said what I shouldnt have said. You know my mouth. But Taehyung didnt say anything to me, but his little firecracker Jimin just cant take any shit. He is meaner and sassier, I say. He made me cry for my own foul mouth. Was he your boyfriend or something? Because he was ready to murder me," Lisa asked, chuckling a little.

"It's okay, Lisa. I forgot about it long ago. You dont need to feel bad," Taehyung replied with a small smile.

"Ummm, actually... for yesterday...I'm sorry. I really am. I didnt know about your condition."

"No, it's okay. I understand," Taehyung interrupted.

"You forgave me?" She asked, a little shocked.

"Yes, I wasnt angry in the first place," Taehyung smiled.

"So now come hug me and make me feel better," Taehyung chuckled and hugged her.

"Okay, before you ask, yesterday Jungkook came with Taehyung to meet me, and I didnt take the news positively of him replacing me. So, yeah."

Taehyung stiffened in her arms.

"It's okay, Taehyung. I wont tell them about your anxiety. I understand," she murmured in his ear, and Taehyung hugged her more tightly.

"Oh, come on, you two are behaving like best friends who met after years," Hoseok said. "Lisa, please eat your treat, or else Yoongi will keep sulking in the corner." Hoseok handed her the treat, and Yoongi just stood there without uttering a word. Jungkook started eating with her, more like snatching her treat.

"Yaaa... leave it, Kookie. Yoongi bought it for me. It's not every day he showers us with his preserved love," Lisa complained.

"Well, lucky you. He wont show me any kind of love, so Im going to have to dive into yours! What are childhood friends for?" Jungkook replied.

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