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june 1, 2021

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june 1, 2021.

Scottie and Lando were arguing again

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Scottie and Lando were arguing again.

It had become a common occurrence recently whenever the pair were in each other's company. The screaming matches and nasty insults under their breath becoming the soundtrack to the house they shared with Max but neither side of the couple were bothered enough to be embarrassed by their actions.

They didn't know why they were arguing so much or why they felt so distant lately. Lando put it down to Scottie becoming too needy, Scottie put it down to Lando caring more about Twitch than his own girlfriend. They were bitter over feeling like they were losing each other—they were scared. They never meant anything they said in their arguments.

Maybe that's why no-one ever made the decision to leave.

They couldn't imagine a life without each other; they were too scared to see what that would be like. Lando and Scottie had been together since they were fifteen years old and were friends for four years before that—all they'd ever known of life was having each other.

How could you walk away from all you've ever had?

"I swear you just pick fights for the sake of it now, Scottie," Lando groaned, leaning against his elbows on the kitchen counter as he nursed away his headache with his fingers. Scottie was scowling. Lando hated when she scowled. "We've had this exact fight, word for word, five times in the space of two months." He added.

"Because you keep doing the same shit over and over," Scottie seethed through gritted teeth. "I'm so tired of it."

Lando scoffed out an irritated laugh. "I don't know what to tell you," He shrugged. He was being petty, acting unbothered when in reality he felt like his entire body was weak. He hated fighting with Scottie, it made him feel physically sick. "You're the one that came in here, guns blazing."

"I shouldn't have to come in here 'guns blazing' just for you to pay attention to me, Lando." Scottie sighed, rubbing at her eyes like a toddler does when they're due for a nap; the recent tussles between her and her boyfriend taking both a mental and physical drain on her energy.

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