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I stood around watching and waiting for who it is that would get me. Here... here is hell. Its known as the auction. Where women are bid off to the highest payer. My father had me put into the running and I stood blue eyes searching, heart racing waiting for one of these creeps to buy me. I never even considered it would be my saving grace, until tall, dark, and handsome waltzed in. His eyes rounded the room and rested on mine I glanced away first and I felt his eyes linger. I was good looking with a dress and heels on. My hair was in a messy braid and I nervously bit my lip. He was not your average bidder. To my dismay he went the complete opposite direction of me and my hopes fell. Women were auctioned off for different things, a day job, a sex companion, a friend, or in my case- a wife. This would bother most people, but for me this day was the day I escaped my father. He gets a ton of money and I get set free from his insatiable abuse. Foreign men, married men, and just strange men surrounded me and the only look I got was of pity and understanding from the other women. I hated this. I hated my circumstance. I watched a poor girl be taken away by a man who didn't even speak her language. This is why it is hell... before I know it, it's my turn. Something cold grabbed my wrist and I turned and met the eyes of my father. Out one beasts bed and into another...
"Do me proud and get me the money I need. You know this will save us. I know you are doing the right thing." He was fidgeting and had a sweat droplet on his brow. I glanced down at his hand and pulled my wrist free. No goodbye, no I love you, and certainly no tears from him. Me however it was taking my entire strength to keep it together. I stepped up onto the show platform and men flocked like I was a piece of prized merchandise, a horse in the race. I swallowed and found myself searching for my mystery man amongst the men in front of me, none made my heart flip like he did. I stared at the ceiling as the bidding began.
"Miss Grace Vincent." I heard my name and cringed. He used my real name. That made this real.
"20,000." A bidder from my right called, so this is the price of my soul at first glance.
"30,000." Another one said. The cost of a human being.
"Ill drop 100,000. Cash." Another man said, he was decent looking and his eyes were soft. I searched the crowd one more time with no such luck. No one offered another price and the auctioneer closed the bid.
"Sold to the man in blue." I stepped off taking his hand and he pulled me close to his side, it was uncomfortable there and I was uneasy.
"I am going to make you the happiest woman alive tonight. My bed, your screams." My heart fluttered and I swallowed back a gasp. My dad was nowhere to be seen, probably half way across town with the money. As we made our leave someone who worked here stopped us, before I could plan my escape route from this man.
"I'm so sorry, but it appears she has been previously bought by an anonymous buyer. He states, 'I thought she was worth more, you can have her if you match me.'" I sighed as he pulled out his wallet. Eye roll.
"How much?"
"One million, sir." He seemed breathless as he waited for a response.
"What?" He nervously glanced around.
The employee leaned in, "I would hand the lovely lady over now before this man gets angry." I was in awe.
"I bought her." He argued angrily as I was frozen in place. Did he say one million?
"Who is he?" He asked angrily searching the crowd. "It's an auction, you have to play by the rules."
"He wants to remain anonymous to anyone. Except his lady... of course." He said politely and I shivered. His lady? I want to meet him before I get called that.
"I bought her." He argued, again. One million could buy so much more... like a house or  a car.... or this whole business...
"She is mine." A deep voice interrupted the conversation. To the left of me stood him. I stared at him and he didn't meet my gaze. He looked like someone you wouldn't want to mess with. But also like someone who people usually weren't able to get close enough to mess with. He held his hand out and I took it as he gently pulled me behind him. He looked... bored. I don't know why the other guy let me go, but he did. I peaked out from behind him to see the other guys face, he was practically blue with fear.
"Why would you pay so much for some girl?" My first suiter spit as he spoke. My mystery guy slipped out of his jacket and handed it to me.
"Put that on." He demanded and continued talking to the other guy. "Her life is worth much more than I could pay, so I paid more than any of you and now I'm willing to give more if you can match me. Those are my rules." I stared at him wide-eyed, he wanted me this bad? For what?
"I can't match a million, but I won the bid fair and square."
"No, because you cannot match me you lost." He explained and I blinked trying to regain focus as I took all of this in. My heart would not control itself and when he looked at me I knew he knew. At least it felt like he knew. He put his arm behind his back and it took a second for me to figure out what he wanted. I grabbed his hand in mine and I felt myself calm down. It was hidden from the other two though so he kept his cool composure. I smiled to myself and watched him fight for me.
"Dude... I just wanted a sex buddy, she looks like she'd be good in bed. So.. you know what I mean." He smirked at my now angry defender. "There are other very fine options for you."
"Let me put this into terms you'll understand," he paused, like the person he was talking to was slow. "Fuck off." With that he pulled me through the auction house and out the door. He was fast because his legs were longer and I was practically running to keep up.
"Um... hi." I said once we reached the car. He even opened my door, like this was a date. I signed the marriage papers going in... so this guy was legally my husband.
"Hi, Grace." He said as he shut my shocked face in the car. He briskly walked to his side and sat down, immediately reversing and speeding away. Once we were on the highway and he seemed to relax, I found out I wasn't scared. I was excited. He didn't say anything more.
"What should I call you?" I asked and he smirked.
"Jace." He smiled and glanced at me like it was a secret. "Just Jace."
"So I'm the Mrs.?" I asked and he glanced at me. "Why?"
"I had to have a partner to sign my company up for global expansion. Something about knowing I had the support and the responsibility. So... I found you." He explained and I was speechless. Did I marry a billionaire?

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