Night One

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He pulled up to a fancy apartment and I could've cheered. Of all the people I could've been stuck with. He got out and entered a key code and came to my side opening my door for me. He stood there and when I stood my legs were weak and I stumbled into him. Our bodies brushed breaking that barrier. He stared down at me and I back up at him, his arm was around my waist and everywhere he touched me felt warm. What was this? Did I have feelings for this stranger? He bought me.
"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you?" He asked softly. He assessed my body from head to toe.
"Not the merchandise." I said sarcastically, suddenly offended. It was almost as if he growled in response.
"Let me set one thing straight. You are my wife. I intend to treat you likewise."
I frowned at him. "Why in the hell would you spend a million dollars on me?"
"I would've spent more, but they wouldn't let me." He shrugged
"Half of that goes to my father." I murmured angrily.
"What?" He asked suddenly cautious because of my tone.
"He signed me up to be married, I won't see the money, nor do I want it." I explained and I felt his grip on me tighten.
"This wasn't your choice?"
"Well I am twenty so it very well is legally my choice, but what else would I have done? I have no degree, no education, I barely even graduated high school because if I went to school my teachers would ask about my bruises." I watched the muscle in his jaw jump. "I'm sorry.. that was too much."
"I want to know you, Grace. Believe me when I say he will never hurt you again." I held his hand this time and he led me to the elevator. How can I believe him? When we stepped inside he casually leaned against the wall on his side. He tucked a stray hair behind my ear.
"This has to appear as a real relationship to those in my life. So, I only have a few rules. We sleep together, because I have a roommate. You are free to come and go as you please as long as you come back, and lastly, you go on a date with me tomorrow." He was soft with me. This was a total different man than earlier. He wanted to date me.
"I.. would like that." I smiled at him and found that we had drifted closer to each other. "One question."
"Ask." He said searching my face.
"Why me?" He seemed like he hadn't been expecting this.
"When I walked into the room... I only saw you. Something about your expression made me want to protect you. So I am."
I was speechless. Could he be truthful? The elevator dinged and we walked off. As he entered his other key code, which he pointed out for me to remember, he added one tiny detail.
"Also, everyone thinks we've been dating for about two years." He grabbed my hand and I twined our fingers together like it was habit.
"Everyone?" I asked quietly.
"Hey, Mark." He called out and a bellowing 'hey' came back.
"Lets see her." A big brute of a guy came walking out. "Holy hell how did you score this one." I was suddenly nervous and very aware of Jace who did not look like he particularly wanted to show me off. He kind of held me closer to his side and I glanced up at him, but his eyes were cool.
"Nice to meet you, the names Marcus, but you can call me anything you'd like." I could throw up after all the flirting I'd seen today. Although if Jace decided to I'd probably let him have me right here. He bought you, I reminded myself so it didn't start to feel normal.
"Mark." Jace cautioned. "She's not some girl." I almost laughed. "I have a feeling you cant steal this one from me." He what? I kept myself close to him, because there was safety there. He put his arm around my waist and I felt something I couldn't explain. I felt like I belonged. 

"Touchy. I didn't mean anything by it, Jace." Marcus said and he kind of laughed but the tension in the air was almost tangible.

"Goodnight Mark." Jace said.

We walked toward a door and when he opened it the master bedroom flooded my view. It was beautiful and large. Jace watched me as I stepped into the high ceilinged bedroom. The bed was a California King and had more space than I had thought possible. There was a small couch in the corner and a door that was cracked that I could tell was the bathroom. Everything was so clean. His furniture was all dark and his bedspread was a dark blue. When you looked at the ceiling though, the stars sparkled back at you through a skylight, which made me realize we must be on the top floor.

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