Chapter VI: Day 12; Morning

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Sorry everyone, I know I'm a little late with this one, I was busy yesterday. Thanks for all the feedback so far! More comments would be great though, if you all can spare the time.

On with the show!


Emory's mood becomes progressively more sour as they get closer to their final destination.

Today is the day she and Melody are going to the zoo, as a reward for her good grades on her final exam. She should be excited, but mostly she just feels annoyed. She'll have to be seen in public as a Little by more people than she's ever dealt with at once, and she won't have the freedom to roam the zoo alone and see what she wants to see.

She really should be used to the constant monitoring by now, but this is the first time that it will actively impede her from doing as she pleases, since Melody is usually pretty lenient. Even so, Emory knows there's no way she'll be allowed to strike out on her own to explore, and it doesn't seem fair, especially given what Izzy had said at storytime about not needing constant supervision.

Emory sighs and stares out the window, letting her pacifier drop from her mouth as she stares at the passing countryside.

"I hear the zoo put in a new penguin exhibit, that sounds like a fun thing to go and see." Melody says.

Emory just hums in response. She doesn't really feel like talking.

"Are you okay Emmy? You haven't said much since we left..."

"I'm fine. Just tired." Emory replies, which is only really half-true. They'd gotten up early to make the drive to the zoo and arrive at a reasonable time, but she's mostly awake now.

"Maybe you'll wake up a bit after we get to walk around a bit." Melody says.

"Sure." Emory replies, fidgeting with the straps of her car seat.

"Don't play with the straps please," Melody tells her gently.

"I'm-" Emory begins to protest, but stops herself, realizing it won't do any good. "Okay."

They travel the rest of the way to the zoo in silence; Emory just stews in her own frustration.

"Alright, spill." Melody says once they've parked and are inside the front gate. "What's up with you today? You've been grouchy ever since we left the house. What's going on?"

Emory's foot stomps without her permission, her eyes welling with tears as she rounds on Melody. "I am not--" She forces herself to take a breath before she starts shouting, and scrubs at her eyes with the back of her hands.

"I wanna go and see the zoo by myself." Emory says, more calmly. "I'm not a baby. I can handle myself."

Melody sighs. "Sure, but first, did you bring your phone? Can you tell me what number was on the light post that we parked under? Or what you plan to do when you need a diaper change?"

Emory folds her arms and scowls. "That's not fair." she grumbles.

"It's completely fair. All I want to know is if you can call me if something happens, if you remember how to get back to the car, and how you plan to manage getting changed when you need it." Melody points out.

"No. I forgot my phone, and I don't remember what the stupid number on the stupid light post is." Emory admits tersely. "And I can change myself."

"The answer is no, Emmy. I'm sorry. We can still go to all the exhibits you want to see, but you're not going by yourself. That's not up for discussion." Melody says firmly.

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