Epilogue: Day 183; Afternoon

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Even now, after all this time, Kori's exuberant greetings still manage to take Emory by surprise. Thankfully, this time, the floor is carpeted, so being knocked onto her butt isn't quite as jarring. Still, the oof that escapes her on impact isn't exactly voluntary.

"Be careful, Kori." Melody says gently. "No roughhousing inside, remember. We don't want any boo-boos like last time."

"Okay, Melody, 'm sorry. I just got a little excited." Kori responds contritely, smiling up at Melody before helping Emory up from the floor. Her cheeks are a rosy red, probably because it's so cold outside, but maybe also because she's a bit embarrassed. "Are you okay?"

Emory nods. "Mhmm. Hi Kori!"

"How's my other favorite fluffbutt?" Izzy steps through the door, dressed in a puffy blue winter coat. She's carrying Kori's diaper bag and a small, wrapped box. She puts both items off to one side to give Emory a hug.

Emory giggles and returns the embrace. "Hi Izzy! What's the present for?" She wonders.

"It's for Melody." Izzy explains, presenting Melody with the gift.

"Oh?" Melody says, and she sounds surprised. "What's this?"

"Uh...Kori and I are really sorry about your coffee table. It really was an accident." Izzy says, frowning and looking at the floor.

Melody laughs. "It's okay, Izzy." She lowers her voice and whispers: "It was ugly, anyway."

Emory tugs on Melody's shirt, squirming with barely-contained energy. She's been waiting for Kori and Izzy to arrive all day, and now she can finally go outside and play in the snow. They've gotten a lot of snow over the past few days, and it's almost up to her knees.

"Mama, can we go outside now?"

Melody laughs. "Yes, sweetheart, but only into the backyard. I don't want you playing near the road. Let's go and change your diaper, and then we can get you dressed to go outside." She says, lifting Emory onto her hip and kissing her nose.

Izzy's phone vibrates loudly, and she fishes it out of her pocket. "Mom says she's sorry she couldn't come in and say hello, but she'll be by to pick us up at three-thirty."

Melody shrugs. "It's no big deal. I hear you're expecting a baby brother or sister pretty soon, that's pretty exciting!"

"Mhmm!" Kori chimes in. "I want a baby sister!"

Izzy smiles. "It doesn't really matter to me...I just want to be a good big sister."

"I know you will be." Melody says. "You already do so good with the littler ones at storytime, you're a natural. I've gotta go and change Emmy's butt, but you two make yourself at home. There are some snacks on the table and the TV is set up to play cartoons. Remember, the soap is lemon-scented, not lemon-flavored."

Kori just blushed. "I know..." she looked over at Izzy. "Can I have a cookie?"

Izzy shrugs. "Sure. But, just one for now, alright?"


Emory doesn't hear the rest of the conversation, because Melody has already carried her away. She snuggles up to Melody, smiling to herself.

"Guess what, Mama?" She says as Melody lays her down on the changing table.

"What, baby?" Melody says as she goes to work getting Emory changed.

"I love you!" Emory says with a big smile.

Melody smiles back down at her. "I love you too, sweetheart."

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