Chapter VIII: Day 16; Morning

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"Yes mom, I promise I will...But I need to talk to her about it first, she gets really nervous around new people...I'm sure she'll love you. What? You didn't really need to go to all that trouble just for us...Oh that?...It's a Type-A. I don't know, I thought it would be easier to do it that way, things have been a little hectic, and I didn't want to forget...No, it's a surprise. Well, maybe we can do that when we visit."

Emory stirs at the sound of Melody's voice.

Melody shushes her gently and rocks a little bit, patting her bottom gently.

"I've gotta go, she's waking up. Yeah, we slept in a bit this morning...I love you too."

"Mellie's phone?" Emory mumbles, cuddling up to Melody a bit more. That's not exactly what she'd meant to say, but she knows that Melody will understand.

"Yeah, sweetheart, Mellie was on the phone. But I'm all done now. Good morning, cutie, did you sleep well?"

Emory vaguely remembers a nightmare, and Melody coming to get her out of her crib, but she feels rested enough now, so she nods. "Mhmm."

"Good. Do you want a bottle first, or food first little one?"

Emory blinks slowly and rubs her eyes. "Bottle please," she says around her pacifier. She's gotten four bottles a day since her L-1 punishment started, one at each meal, and one at bedtime. If she's being honest with herself though, she doesn't really mind it. It's a nice way to start the day, all cuddled up to Melody like that, and she thinks she'll probably miss it when her punishment is over.

"Okay, we can do that. But first, you need a fresh diaper." Melody says, giving Emory a kiss on the forehead before carrying her back to her bedroom--though really, it's more of a nursery now.

"So, I'd like to talk to you about something, Emmy," Melody says once she's gotten Emory onto the changing table.

"What'd I do?" Emory wonders nervously, chewing on her lip.

"Don't chew on your lip, sweetheart, you're going to make it bleed again." Melody says, gently easing Emory's pacifier back into her mouth. "You didn't do anything bad that I'm aware there something you'd like to confess?" She takes a clean diaper from under the table.

Emory shakes her head vigorously. "No! I've been good!"

"I know you have. And I want you to know that I'm proud of you for being so well-behaved." Melody says with a smile, kissing Emory's nose. "My parents want to meet you. But, I told them that I'd have to talk to you about it first. That's what the phone call was about."

"Oh. Really?" Emory is pleasantly surprised at this news. It's nice to feel like she's wanted again. She always feels like that with Melody, but knowing that Melody's parents want to meet her makes her feel extra special. "That'd be nice."

"We could go this weekend if you want, the weather at the beach is gonna be rough for the next week or so anyway. They live out in the country, so you'll get to see more stars at night. And, my mom loves to go for walks, so she might take you to pick wild blueberries, there are some that grow by their house."

Emory tries to sit up in excitement, but Melody puts a hand on her chest to keep her still. "Really? That's so cool! That sounds like so much fun! Do you think we'll see any deers?"

"I'm almost done baby, but I need you to hold still, okay? And did you mean deer? Probably, there are lots that live in that area." Melody corrects her gently as she finishes taping on her new diaper.

Emory blushes a bit when she realizes her mistake, but it doesn't bother her that much. She smiles. "Well, I'd like to go...will there be any baby deers?"

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