Chapter I: Day 1

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The sound of the television wakes Emory up. She's in Melody's bed, she can tell that from the sound of the morning weather forecast, since that's not something she'd watch. She stretches a little and yawns, her pacifier tumbling out onto the bed--she hadn't even realized that she'd been sucking on it.

"Well, look who's awake." Melody says from somewhere beside her, reaching over to rub her back. "How are you feeling?"

Emory wiggles closer to Melody and feels around for a moment, before resting her head on Melody's leg. "I feel a little better than I did yesterday. But I'm still sleepy. Five more minutes." She mumbles.

"The candy from yesterday must be wearing off." Melody says.

Emory props herself up on one arm. "That wasn't candy, was it?"

"No. It was medication. A very mild sedative combined with a mild anti-anxiety tablet, just to help you relax a bit on your first day since I wasn't around when you got your results."

"You drugged me?" Emory's mouth drops open in shock.

"Emory, calm down. It's not a bad thing--it was to keep you from doing anything crazy until I got back."

Emory frowns. "Do you really think I'd-"

"No," Melody interrupts. "I don't think that. But sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry. Sometimes, stuff like that does happen, and I wasn't about to take that chance with you." Melody explains.

Emory sighs. She can't really blame Melody for being worried. She had been pretty upset on the phone yesterday, and there was no way for Melody to know that she wasn't in such a state where there could have been a...negative outcome. "I guess that makes sense. I still wish you would have told me beforehand though."

"Have you ever tried to get a little one to take medicine Emmy? I couldn't take the chance that you wouldn't take it, given what could have happened."

Emory huffs. Even now, she's not a huge fan of taking any kind of medication, so she can kind of see Melody's point. That doesn't mean she needs to be happy about it though. "Alright. I understand why you did that. But next time, just tell me that it's medicine. I'm not going to fight you on taking it, I promise."

"That's fair." Melody says.

Emory rests her head on Melody's leg again.

"Come on, sleepyhead, it's time to wake up." Melody reaches down and pulls Emory closer to her. "You'll have a nap later, sweetheart. We have a busy morning ahead of us."

Emory blinks at that, forcing herself to open her eyes and crawls into Melody's lap. Her diaper squishes beneath her as she does so, and she's a little embarrassed when she realizes how wet she is. Melody certainly hadn't been joking about her needing diapers, since she hasn't wet the bed in a long time. Still, she supposes that it's better than wetting Melody's bed, and she's sure her roommate appreciates not having to wash her sheets as well.

"Why?" Emory wonders.

"Well, first, we need to go and pick up the car from the LS--they called while you were asleep to say that they finished installing your carseat. Then, we need to go and get you new ID cards from the CLASS office. The LS movers should be coming while we do that to install your crib and changing table, so it'll be done by the time we get back." Melody explains, reaching down to check Emory's diaper.

Emory blushes a little. "Sorry..." she says.

"You don't have anything to apologize for. You don't ever need to apologize for using your diapers okay? It's not a big deal at all, and I know you can't help it. Hopefully it will be less embarrassing as you get used to things. We do need to get you changed though, I don't want you getting a rash." Melody tells her, reaching out to ruffle her hair.

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