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pandas <3
good morning
r u alive
i think this is the longest you ever taken to reply

this is the first time youve ever texted first

pandas <3
not true i texted first to tell u about encanto

yeah well ren replied so that doesnt count
i took so long to answer bc i just finished work
some kid fell over in the middle of the shop and cried
it was so funny

pandas <3
you, an empath sensing the kid was upset

that was funny

pandas <3
when am i not funny

literally any other time you have ever said anything

pandas <3
where do u work
im gonna come in and see you so i know what you look like and you dont know what i look like

i work in a shop
im not telling you which one bc of that exact scenario

pandas <3
but itd be funny

i will eat your children

pandas <3
i already have a friend who said hes going to eat every child i ever have so youll have to fight him for it

what did you even do to put yourself in that position

pandas <3
i knocked him into the void in minecraft

im with him
how dare you

pandas <3
it had to be done

did u at least apologise

pandas <3
no it was funny

ur evil
i cleaned my room today

pandas <3
im proud of u

thank u sexy

pandas <3
i take it back

i dislike you

pandas <3
u literally fell in love w me 2 hours after we met

and this is me taking back my love
you dont deserve it

pandas <3
im so upset
what ever will i do
how will i live on from this

go die in a hole <3

pandas <3
did you grow up in australia

yeah i only moved here  a year and a half ago

pandas <3

ive been told my accent sounds posh
i dont hear it but one person mentioned it and everyone else agreed
they said its a mix between british irish and scottish ?
i dont hear it
ive also never been to any of those countries and i didnt grow up around anyone from there so idk how i got the accent

pandas <3
you say british people dont exist but you literally have a british accent
make it make sense L

you suck
i bet you sound like a cowboy
mr texas

pandas <3
at least i havent been told my accent sounds like its from a completely different country

my most humbling moment was when i was asked by a customer to repeat my sentence 5 times bc they couldn't understand my accent
it was an australian

pandas <3
obviously not miss british irish scottish

fuck off

author here!
hello :) i havent really made any authors notes so here i am lols
the character is loosely based on myself, in the sense she texts like me and i will take inspiration from my experiences for chapters :p
for example everything about the accent is stuff people have said to me. im australian and have been told many times im posh/sound british.
hope you enjoy the story :]
vote and comment and ill give u a kiss

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