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special chapter (:<

! picture if a fake cockroach that looks kinda real but its just a pillow i think !


the brunette girl is practically falling down the staircase with each passing second, late to the dinner with her family. "shit" she mutters as she drops her keycard on the ground, crouching down to pick it up, before continuing her rush down the stairs.

she hurriedly turns the corner to continue down the winding stair well when her body collides with another, sending the other flying backwards, down the stairs. noticing the person falling, the girl quickly reaches out and grabs the falling person's hand and grabbing onto the railing with her other, preventing any possible injuries.

"oh my god i am so sorry, i was in a rush and i wasn't looking where i was going im so sorry" the blonde stutters out as she pulls the distressed person back up to stability. "no no seriously thats okay! i completely understand don't worry about it, im alex" the younger girl offers with a kind smile. "im ailee, kinda like hayley but with no h" the blonde explains, earning a confused look from alex, making them both laugh. "i don't even know, ask my parents." ailee says making them both laugh harder.

"do you live here? i haven't seen you around before." ailee asks, alex shaking her head slightly before answering. "no, no. i'm just visit my brother, he lives here with his friend." "oh cool! i was just on the way to visit my family too" the blonde says with a slight chuckle. "oh my god thats right! you said you were in a rush! you should go" alex says hurriedly.

"i should probably get going you're right, but again, im so sorry for crashing into you!" ailee restates, causing alex to laugh again. "it's seriously okay! im just glad you caught me before i fell down all the stairs" she laughs. the twi wave goodbye before parting ways, ailee going downstairs which alex goes up.

20 minutes later

the girl finally makes it to her parents house, knocking on the door, which is almost immediately opened by her younger sister. "clara!" ailee exclaims, scooping her baby sister into a bear hug, looking into the house to see her parents walking down the hallway toward the entrance.

"hi mum, hi dad" she says, hugging both of them while still holding clara in one arm. her parents both return the greeting with a warm smile as her mum ushers her towards the living area. ailee walks through the familiar hallway, reaching the living room and setting clara down on the couch before walking into the kitchen to help cook dinner.

"whats cooking?" she asks, opening one of the pans to look inside. "pasta? delicious" she says as she wraps an arm around her mum's shoulder. her dad joins them both in the kitchen. "so, ailee." he starts, the girls face falling. "dad everytime i see you its the same conversation and it always starts the sane way, switch it up a bit, be creative!" she replies in a sarcastic tone, earning a look from her father. "you gonna ask anyway arent you?" she asks with a defeated tone as her father nods with a mischievous smile.

"anyone you're interested in at the moment?" he finally asks, causing the blonde to roll her eyes and scoff. they both stand in a humorous silence, waiting for the other to give up. "fine. there may be a boy im interested in but i doubt its mutual." she sighs out.

her mums face lights up. "finally a crush! whats his name?" her mum eagerly asks, making ailee slightly laugh. "great question mum." she responds and they are once again enveloped by a humorous silence. "are you going to answer it?" her mother asks curiously. "no, i kinda cant." ailee says, trying to keep in a laugh at the strange situation happening between her and pandas.

it took thirty minutes minutes. thirty minutes before her parents could even comprehend what the girl was saying about this boy she accidentally texted. it then took another 30 minutes for the blonde to be lectured on online safety.
"guys in 19 i know more about internet security than you do." she tries to explain without laughing at the look on her fathers face, showing complete confusion as he still attempts to process how she has feelings for a boy who is completely anonymous to her.

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