~Denki Kaminari- flirtatious, extroverted, getting good grades and a Mechanical Engineering major and a deep secret about his true self.
Hitoshi Shinso- blunt, introverted, getting good grades and a psychology major with insomnia.
But what will happ...
(A.N: Shinso and Denki are both 18 in this. Well, most characters are.)
~Shinso POV, The River Café 4:30pm Monday 9th September~
I look around as I serve an old lady a cup of Earl Grey tea watching as people go about their day from beyond the café windows. There are several people in the shop and I'm the only one on counter. My co-worker and friend Momo Yaoyorozu is in the kitchen most likely baking some sweet treats. I', the better baker, but every now and then I work the counter so as to get my share of tips. I ruffle my purple hair and adjust my apron, waiting for whoever my next customer may be.
The sun is beginning to set as Momo joins me, the light bathing the shop in a pale pink. I yawn quietly and cast a glance to Momo, "You on closing shift tomorrow?" she nods, "They need me, but I'll drop you by the keys day after because you've got morning." I groan. Morning shifts are the worst. There are so many Karens at 6am.
I'm broken out of my pity party when the bell rings and I spot new customers. I stand to greet them, when I recognise them as the so called 'Bakusquad'. They approached and I put on my Customer Service Smile™, "Hello, how may I help you today?" I ask politely and Bakugo goes to respond but Kirishima cuts him off, "Uhh, One espresso, Two lattes- Bakugo you said hot choclate, extra whipped cream and cinnamon right?" (Swapped to third person) "Yes, nerd. Now hurry up!" Bakugo half-yells back. "Yeah, so one espresso.. two.. lattes. One hot chocolate, double whipped cream, added cinnamon and extra vanilla shots.. anything else?" Shinso mumbled their order to himself as he added it to the register and added something else for Bakugo too, grinning. "A cortado. Denks, what d'you want?" Kirishima asked a blonde boy towards the back. He walked forward and smiled to Shinso, a smile that made his heart flutter but his face remained blank, "One caramel macchiato, please. Also four brownies, two cookies, three slices of apple pie and a cinnamon bun." Shinso nodded, adding the items, "All those sweets for yourself?" he asked with a smirk "Nah, the pie's for Mina and Bakubro's probably gonna have two of the brownies."
Shinso nodded, calling back to Momo who was again in the kitchen, "Mo?"
"Yeah, Shi?" she yelled back, using one of her nicknames for Shinso, "Four brownies, two cookies. You did some earlier right?" "Yeah." "Alright. I need those, three slices of the apple pie- the fresh one I made should be cool enough now. And one of the cinnamon buns, or do I need to make more of those?" "You're good hun! I'll get them out now." Shinso nodded and began to make the drinks, completing them fast. For the name on the order he had 'Kirishima' but on Denki's drink he wrote a note, 'I'll see you in Physics, Pretty Boy'. He had no clue why he did it but oh well. When the order was ready he yelled Kirishima up,
"That'll be £36.10. Ouch, that's a lot. Cash or card." Kirishima wasn't fazed by the price and just payed by card, getting his friends to take their things. few moments passed and Shinso noticed Denki flush. Shinso grinned, slipping quietly into the kitchen to grab more cinnamon powder.
~3rd person POV, Denki And Sero's Dorm, Only Denki and Sero there, 5:10pm, Monday September 9th~
"Seeeeerooo?" Denki whined, frowning at his cup, "Yeah, Denks?" Sero responded, looking up from his book, "Why d'you think the barista wrote the note? Do you know him? You know everyone." The blonde boy rambled on and tehn looked at Sero, "I don't know why he wrote it. And yeah, he's in my theology class. he majors in psychology, minors in social studies and the sciences. His names Hitoshi Shinso, he doesn't talk unless he has to and he only answers to his last name." Sero noticed Denki looking like he was overthinking things so blurted out a random dare, "Yo I dare you to log onto Bakugo's twitter and post something embarrasing." Denki laughed at Sero's dare and did it, turning to show Sero the tweet.
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Sero and Denki burst into a fit of laughter as soon as Denki logged out ("Gotts hide the evidence, Sero!") and soon enough they were rolling on the floor wheezing ang gasping for air as tears of laughter slips down their faces.
That was a good night, but Bakugo's reaction was even better.
Chapter word count: 759
A/N: I did have more written, but accidentally deleted it, but the boys have met which is fun. Next chapter will probably be out in the next few days. Also for the ridiculous coffee price, I just estimated prices based off of Starbucks and stuff. For the tweet, I didn't realise it was am not pm until like rn, so ignore that lmfao.
Thanks and remember to eat, drink, sleep and take care,