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Krishnaa's POV

Why didn't he came yet, it's so late. Every time he used to come early so that he don't miss any single minute with me and see now he is total 1hour late. Let him come, i won't talk to him.

Next day

Why didn't he came yesterday? Maybe busy with his father afterall he is the prince of heaven. But he always find time to meet me and he should.

It's been two hours since I am waiting for him in the garden but he still not came. Let me go to his palace and find out, what is more important than me to him.

POV ends

Krishnaa went to indra's palace in search of her Arjun. Suddenly Devendra saw her and asked - putri krishnaa you are here.

 Suddenly Devendra saw her and asked - putri krishnaa you are here

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(Indra - King of heaven and father of Arjun.)

Krishnaa - Pranipaat 🙏

Indra - 🙌kalyaan ho putri. But what are you doing here ? Any important work?

Krishnaa - *a bit nervously* Actually I.. that...a..aa..arj..that ...i was...aa

She was too hesitating to take Arjun's name before Indra.

Indra - hmm.. tell me.

Krishnaa - Actually I was s.. serching for A..aar.. Arjun , as i didn't saw him from two days so I thought to check on him.

Indra became serious now , he took her to nearby aasan (bench) and made her sit. In meanwhile Devi sachi also came there.

(Devi sachi - Queen of heaven and mother of Arjun

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(Devi sachi - Queen of heaven and mother of Arjun.)

Devi sachi - Putri krishnaa how are you ? I didn't met you from a long time.

Krishnaa - I am fine mata , how are you ?

Devi sachi - I am fine dear. By the way you are getting more beautiful day by day.

Krishnaa became shy.

Krishnaa - But your son doesn't understand that . Always ignores me.

She said this under her breath that Devi sachi and Devendra didn't heard it.

Devi sachi - did you said something putri ?

Krishnaa - yes , no aa..a. i mean yes , i was saying that I am not that much beautiful mata , why are you teasing me ?

Devi sachi - I am not teasing you dear it's true. What do you say nath ?
She asked to Devendra .

Indra - ofcourse , you are the pride of heaven putri.
And my Arjun's life too.

He said the last line as a mere whisper so they both didn't heard it.

Krishnaa is too eager now to know about her love.

Krishnaa - Mata if you don't mind can I meet Arjun ?

Devi sachi now become pale . Krishnaa can see pain in her and Devendra's eyes . She was so confused.

Krishnaa - What happened ? Are you both okay ?

The surrounding was all tense and Devi sachi started crying hugging krishnaa . Devraj's eyes also turned moist .

Krishnaa - What happened mata why are you crying like this ? Please don't scare me . Please tell me what happened ?

Devi sachi - Putri , Ar..Ar..ju..Arjun is not here *while crying*.

Krishnaa - Not here means ? Where did he went ?

She was so confused and scared . Devraj composed himself and told her calmly.

Indra - Putri I will tell you everything but please listen to me calmly and patiently .

Krishnaa - Hmmm.

Indra - 6 months back Narayana called all of us , the Devas and told us to give our sons to Maharaj Pandu on earth as their sons for the greater good of the world.
6 months back Yamaraj send his son there as maharaj pandu's eldest son Yudhishthir.
3 months back vayudev send his son there as maharaj pandu's second son bheem.
And..and two days back I send my so..son ar..arj.. Arjun there as maharaj pandu's third son parth.
After two months Ashwini Kumar's will send their son as maharaj pandu's fourth and fifth son Nakul and Sehdev.

But Krishnaa didn't heard the last part as her perfect world turned upside down in a moment , when she heard that her love , her Arjun has been sent away from her.

She stand up and started walking like a zombie .
She was no more alive anymore cause her life has went away from her .

She was no more alive anymore cause her life has went away from her

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So , here is the second chapter.
Hope you all like it.

show your love through the comments.

Will see you all in the next chapter.

With love

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