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(Image URL: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs21/f/2007/274/b/f/Orlovkyne_the_Rainbow_Dragon_by_akelataka.jpg)

(I imagine this more)

Crystal -

Oh no. She didn't. Yup she did. She summoned one.

"So, which one of you called me?"

Glory pointed to me. Jerk. The rainbow dragon turned to me with a huge grin on her face.

"Hello friend! Why'd you call me?"

Uh... "I was telling my friend about your kind. And she wanted to see one of you."

"Awesome! Well, Queen Glory, how do you think we look?"

The rainbow dragon's scales shifted into millions of beautiful colors.

"Wow... They look amazing! Can you do camouflage?"

"Nope! We leave a very distinct trail. Look."

Her tail pointed to an area which was now rainbow colored. Poor Glory was freaking out.

"Sooooo... Why are ya here?"

"Um, we're just on a walk."

She laughed.

"You royalty and your strange walks. Seeya Crystal and Glory!"

"See you Sparkle."

Wait.. What? Sparkle? Where'd that come from? She stopped too.

"No one told me that when we're linked, you'll know my name... Well, ignore that one. Call me... Dash? No... MLP reference... Uh, ignore that... You know, just call me Sparkle."

This dragon was weird. I waved to her as she spiraled off into the sunset, turning a poor sloth rainbow colored.

"I'm sorry I said that. As we linked, or did she decide?"

"How else would I know her name? She linked me."

"Explanation of them?"

"They are only born of a dragon of two or more races born under a double rainbow. So they're rare. But, if a dragon says the name of one at an older age, the dragon will come and then link to that dragon, and help. If a younger dragon says it, they will help, but not link. If they link, any other times the word is said, that dragon in particular will come. They are said to be the most powerful dragon to have ever existed, but will only fight the attacker of their linked dragon if the linked dragon is close to death. And called. Also, they can fly at unmeasurable speeds and leave rainbows in their wake."

"Let's go back. I trust you, but I don't trust that Moon Shadow dragon."

"Just trust her a bit. You saw she was terrified too, right?"

"Kay, but you guys have a prophecy to fulfill, remember that."

"Kay then."

We walked back, still slightly confused.

I did stars for the last two chapters. And you may wonder, will Sparkle matter later on? SHE'S A RAINBOW DRAGON, OF COURSE! Rage over, seeya guys next time. And vote, share, comment, and follow if you want to. Or not...

The Dragons of Peace (Kinda based in Wings of Fire)Where stories live. Discover now