The Dark moon and the Frozen Dragon

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I quickly flew into a cave. My wings were barely working and I was bleeding all over. I felt a lever like thing and pulled it behind me. Then a rock almost slammed into my tail. Well, it may actually help.

I saw a river going through the cave so I tried to wash off the blood as well as I could. Then I tried to find some place where I could feel the moon. Well, good job. You flew into a place that most likely you will die in.

Before I gave up, I saw a small hole in the ceiling. And there I saw the three moons. I curled up underneath them. I immediately felt a healing power surge through me. After a long flight from the frozen lands to the Sky Kingdom, very few breaks, and basically everything attacking me, I was tired. Yet, I knew that even though I was in a cave, in a ravine, that was really hidden, that somehow I would be found. I needed help...

I know who...

I lifted my snout to the air and roared, but in a strange way. I was calling to another dragon from Raracati, and she would always hear that call. I then lay my head on my claws and laid my wings against the rock to hopefully dry a bit and stop bleeding. I tried to believe that I would be safe here, and not hunted by Shadowdemons and Moon dragons.

~After a while~

I felt a warm ray of sunlight on my scales as I stretched and got up. But my tail felt cold. I smiled as I turned around.

"It's been a while Hope."

"I know Silver. Why don't you visit as often?"

"Well, being the strongest dragon in Raracati doesn't mean dragons like me alive. So I usually try to get away."

"Makes sense. So why'd you call?"

"My wings are a bit... torn up."

"How'd it happen?"

"Scavengers happened. And then some SkyWings tried to make it worse."

She held up a necklace and I stiffened myself a bit. I felt ice creep over my wings, covering the ripped holes in them.


"Don't try to hide that it hurts. I already know. But wait for night, and it will feel better."

"So, what should I try to do now. My own tribe thinks I want the Shadowdemon throne, and the Shadowdemons want me to take their throne, and for me to be corrupted."

"At least your parents didn't make you live with someone else because you look weird."

"Well, I've heard that something strange happened in the Rainwing kingdom. What exactly was it?"

"How do you know something was happening?"

"Well, looking like shadows can sometimes get a bit of gossip."

"Well, they believe the prophecy dragons have come here, to Pyrria. A chillscale, a Firano, an Earthshaker, a sun and moon dragon, and wait for it..... a Shadowdemon."

I quickly jerked up and spread my wings. I felt it in my scales, I HAD to meet them. Because if there is a Shadowdemon, then there may be a huge chance of it being good, and then there's more hope for the rest of them to be good...

"Silver... no, you're injured. Chances of death are too high. Just wait."

"But, I want to help. I can do it."

The Dragons of Peace (Kinda based in Wings of Fire)Where stories live. Discover now