Chapter 4: The Bright Shadows

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Tempest -

You may be scared of me. I'm fine with that. But what I'm not is a mistake. My kind calls me that. I couldn't kill. I won't, and hopefully I never have to. Why is not killing a bad thing? Because we're meant for it and our kind loves to be feared.

I'm just not like that.

One time one slipped the truth of why I hate it. I used to be a magic scavenger that stopped the death of herself by becoming the dragon. The powers and everything. But she grew younger. Then soon after they realized I'm not a fighter.

Not wanting me to ruin our tribe's reputation, they recently put me to a life long imprisonment. Either that or death. I'm planning to escape, but my chances are low. They have good security, and I'm not on the list of 'we don't care if they escape'.

One day I heard shouting. Usually it was silent so all of us I the prison were startled. The guards went to calm down the worst threats. This may be your only chance... I used almost all my magic to break through. I flew through the tunnel going up. Then the explosion happened.

Chaos and screaming. I had to avoid being seen, which in that was easy, but the fire wasn't helping. Below me I saw ripped up and dead dragons. Firanoes to be exact. They were also trying to escape, but dying or getting captured in the process.

Then I saw the 'celestial twins'. The moon dragon, Luna, was lying on the ground. Her brother, Star, was standing next to her, protecting her from all attacks. I flew down to them.

"Need help?"

"You must be the good Shadowdemon. Then yes. Can you help me carry her to the surface?"

I nodded and picked up one arm. Then I surrounded us in smoke. We flew as fast as we could, and some how didn't get...


...caught... Never mind....

"We have to go... If you can carry her, then I'll hold him off."

"You can't!"

"If I don't we will all die."

He sadly nodded. Then we saw Luna twitch.


"I could help..."

Then a huge block of cheese covered the entrance and probably the guard after us.

"Go to Pyrria... I saw it in a dream... And you.... Shadowdemon... are one of the dragons..."

Then she fainted. I summoned a little portal, which is a power few outside our tribe know of that power, so Star was a bit scared.

"It's okay. This will take us straight to Pyrria."

He nodded and jumped through while holding Luna. Then I followed, destroying the portal when I got through. We were in a rainforest.

"Any reason why you came here?"

"It was ran...."

I trailed off as something hit my neck, and I fell asleep.

RAWR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now we have the Chillscale, Firano, sun dragon, moon dragon, and the Shadowdemon!!!

And if I could get a comment on my board or in this chapter for the name and description for an Earthshaker that would be fabulous! And the chapter would be dedicated to you too.

So PLEASE like, comment, share, and possibly follow. Thanks for reading and...




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