chapter 1

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Its funny how life can lead you in many directions mine is more of a how did I get into this situation and I thank my friends for this idea of a secret journal. It all started after my 18 birthday  after the mysterious death of my parents. I found a ticket that lead me on an journey to Africa that started a whole adventure  that I can't wrap my head around. Oh sorry for the rant I forgot to introduce myself my name is Nicole  and this is my life story.

Ever since day of my suprize trip my life did a whole 360 and I have no clue how it happened. I warped back in time (I was shocked to the point of passing out when I realized) to medieval times last time I walk in a jungle alone. Met the fairies Flora, Fauna and Marryweather learned  how to use a fairy wand. Helped them with their mission with princess Arora. Warped to themescara home of the Amazon's and got trained in the ancient Greek fighting styles with Diana princess  of the Amazon's earned my own cuffs and lasso of truth. Met the super friends and learned how to shape-shift. I also learned witchcraft from Sabrina's aunts Hilda and Zelda and thanks to Hogwarts. Met many ghosts including Casper and his family, Beetlejuice and the ghosts of Hogwarts. I also learned of the ancient gods and made friends with them. I also met many aliens who taught the force to me. And many other wierd things keep happening to me be warned I have memory flashback tendecys.

Anyone confused  yet sorry. This is just a brief glimpse  of what happened. The rest of this just boils down to I found out I have the powers of a witch, but am an immortal person  who has the ability to manipulate time, create force fields ,give only my true friends immortality, shape shift,talk to animals, use the force and am a dragon rider. Its been crazy figuring it out because my powers sometimes has a mind of its own by warping me to many different time periods or to even other dimensions. Due to this unfortunately I tend to drag some of my friends with me for a time. When this happens I feel guilty and make it my mission to get them home safely. This backfires alot  due to people after my friends and my abilities when my friends foes figured it out. One thing my friends half know about is I placed several enchantments on myself  and powers.

One is of they try to get info out of me the minute evil is near important info dissappear.  Another is if evil kills me my powers will go to a friend no one will suspect  and will only stay until they are home safe and once that happens dissappear forever. All this was done to protect the people I care about.
These people mean the world to me even if we don't always see eye to eye. First are my actual remaining blood family my younger sister Jackie and younger brother Robert. We met up after ten years after my parents death and along with them my cousins Matt, Pam, Erica, Billy, Stephanie  ,and Michael and Maura met up. This was due to villains trying to break me down but it backfired and once we all met again my families dormant magic awoke. They are still trying  to figure out the magic aspect of their lives. Next we got my friends from the justice league  Diana, batman, superman, flash,Hawkgirl, John Stewart and John Jones who constantly go back and forth. There is also the avengers mainly Captin America, Hawkeye, Black widow, Black panther. I also know some other familiar names like Harry Potter and his crew, the Skywalker family and some other famous jedi and rebels, the Spellman family, the charmed ones, ncis crew, inuasha and kagome and their friends even Athena grant and Bobby nash and friends from LA emergency  services.

I have more friends but it will take forever to get to them so I will try to explain later who they are and how I met them as I get further into the story. This is going to be a long one and p.s this book has been spelled for my friends safety and will appear blank to the ill willed people who find it. Now that the intro to this is over time to get back to my hectic life wish me luck.

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