~~ Minding Their Own Business ~~

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Robbie choked in response and L smiled to herself, patting him on the back while staring from Unicorn to Sprite. 

"That would be extremely helpful, are you sure?"

She directed her question to the Unicorn, not even thinking of whether they could read. Apparently not because Lucie relayed the message aloud a second later. L was fascinated by the conversation, she knew most of the Nature species' had the ability to talk to animals, but it had never been something she'd thought to try.

Some of the foster homes she'd stayed in had pets but she hadn't stuck around long enough to form an attachment- though the pets were more tolerable than some of their owners.

"He said he's sure, the heated one can ride on him while you two run." Lucie announced, bringing L's attention back with a start.

"Heated one, that's new." L chuckled at Robbie's slightly confused expression. "Might be best he doesn't know what you are, Unicorns used to be a delicacy for your ancestors."

L scrunched her brow, and Robbie nodded his agreement, his eyes never leaving the Unicorn. L was relieved they wouldn't lose time getting back. She'd had enough of this whole trip, from the business with the Fairies to the mask, even the plant rolling against her face every two minutes. She turned to Lucie and the other Sprites, who were all bouncing on the balls of their feet in excitement.

"Thank you again for saving us, and for the help getting back. We really appreciate it."

"We're honoured we could help the Keeper. We heard so many wonderful things about you and it was lovely to be able to meet you for ourselves!" Lucie exclaimed, sounds of agreement echoed behind her.

L felt the sincerity of her words, and the next question tumbled out of her fingers before she could stop them.

"Was... any of that from a Sprite named Matilda?"

L knew the answer immediately, their faces fell collectively and Lucie stopped bouncing.

"Yes, Matilda spoke very highly of you. As our representative on the Council, she was known and loved by all Sprites. We mourn her passing and celebrate her life everyday."

L swallowed against the lump in her throat, memories floating across her mind unbidden. Her heart began to race and tears welled up, until a hand slipped into hers and she looked up to Bryce's understanding gaze.

She turned to the Sprites, looking each one in the eye, her hands shook as she wrote. "I'm so sor-"

She was mid sentence when her words were brushed away by a gust of wind.

L felt confused until she realised the wind had been supernaturally engineered. Lucie lowered her hand, brushing her windswept hair back over her shoulder.

"You do not need to say sorry, Keeper. Matilda's passing was not your fault, she loved her life and more so with you in it. She told us all how much your friendship meant." Murmurs of agreement came from the group, "she would have done anything to help you. That Demon hurt sweet Matilda, not you, and then that Demon got what it deserved, thanks to you. Death is a part of life, we know that better than any. You should cherish the time and memories you had with those you lost."

L had never heard such sober sentiments from a Nature Sprite, she could feel a knot in her stomach loosen a fraction. Hearing those heartfelt words from Matilda's own kind, that they didn't blame her for what happened, seemed to ease a part of the guilt she didn't realise she'd still been holding. It wouldn't relieve all of it but nothing ever would. She wiped at a sniffle, feeling Bryce squeeze her fingers gently for support.

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