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In the academy sessions, River's saved other candidates in her cohort from falling off ladders, rigs and ropes, burning to death, crushing/ breaking bones and drowning. Definitely a natural born firefighter, despite being unpopular she's since made a couple friends of the people she's saved a couple times.

Even before graduation day she was offered candidate spots at 7 firehouses in her district, however she's turned every single one down because she just wants it to be allocated on graduation day like everyone else.

She's nervous. Her final exam went well passing in under 7 minutes without breaking a sweat or needing to stop afterwards, she stood waiting for more than 2 minutes for everyone else to catch her up.


The day they finally get their badges. River nervously paces around her apartment at 4am despite the ceremony not being until early this afternoon, she finds herself unable to calm down. She puts on some sweats and headphones going for a paced 25km run.

An hour and a half passes before she's back in her apartment taking a warm soothing shower, the warm water helping settle her nerves before she dresses in another pair of CFD sweats which she's come to live in and makes herself breakfast. "Why am I so nervous?" She asks herself, picking up her phone before texting her father, who instantly responds with words of encouragement.

The hours seem to pass painfully slow, it's an hour to go, before she's got to leave. She puts her hair back into a neatly formed low braided bun before dressing in her blues, which she'd already pressed 3 times that day and twice the night before. She pats them down before putting on her perfectly polished shoes.

"You scrub up well" Blake says kissing her cheek gently, stood in front of her in a smart suit, something neither is really used to.

"You don't look half bad yourself, much better than in those Dino scrubs of yours" She laughs patting his back, grabbing her keys as both head out the door.

Time seemingly blurs and she soon finds herself stood on a stage infront of a mass amount of people receiving her badge, a certificate and envelope with her assignment from the the man in charge of the whole of the CFD, the man in the spot she someday aspires to be in herself some day. A position she knows she'll get if she works hard enough.

She's done it. She waits until the ceremony is finished and they're allowed to fall out before she looks down at her badge number, pinned onto her uniform. 'C-Sloan' with the numbers '11878' above. Shedding a few tears, more so when she realises why it's a significant number. Its double her fathers badge number. She feels she's finally succeeded at the first hurdle, she can breathe a little easier now.


They fall out and everyone goes into their small groups, she's greeted by her twin brother.

Blake (twin bro) hugs her whispering "I'm so proud of you, you know mom and Addy would be too" before patting her back. "Who would have thought there'd be another Casey in the CFD" He chuckles before sighing. "Thanks Blake" She whispers, showing him her badge, both are soon interuppted from their conversation when two officers approch her.

"Candidate River Sloan?" A stern husk voice requests. She looks up instantly recognising the female officer from a few weeks ago at the academy, she nods extending her hand to shake both officers hands. "Firstly congratulations and welcome to the CFD, I hope you have a long and successful career" He says shaking her hand firmly, both smiling. "Thank you" she croacks. "I'm sorry. I'm deputy District Cheif Boden of Area 4 and my Lieutenants (he points to Stella) has told me a lot to say about you, I must say if even half of that is true, you are going to become a very remarkable and memorable firefighter" He remarks in a somewhat proud tone. "Thank you Chief" She says sincerely, looking to her brother for reassurance.

"Congratulations candidate" Stella says shaking her hand, before the due walk away and she spends some time with the other candidates before leaving.


It's two hours later. River is sat on her couch with Blake, the envelope still unopened with her CFD assignment, she and her twin are enjoying a Chicago deep dish from bertollis, sipping coke and relaxing. River suddenly jumps up slapping her paper plate filled with grease and cheese, wiping her hands on her pants before picking up the small white envelope. She calls Matt on face time before opening it hungrily.

"I got 51!" She yells excitedly almost choking on the last bite food in her mouth, putting her hand over her mouth she gasps while continuing to read.

B- "What shift"

R- "Two"

M- "Knew you could do it princess" He remarks proudly.

Firehouse 51 is exactly where she belongs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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