35 3 0

Tw: violence, blood, swearing.


This chapter is what happened when Techno was at Philza's house. So you can skip if you want, but I suggest not. The whole thing is in 3rd person btw


"PHIL!" Techno opened the door.

"Son!" Philza turned around, and opened his arms.

"Philza we have to talk" He took a step forward.

Phil looked at Techno in confusion, "what is it?"

"After Ranboo's... after the accident, I've seen so much green and red blood stained all over my house" Techno sighed, trying to avoid saying 'death'. "Could there be a Ghostboo?"

"There's a chance, like with GhostBUR"

"True, but it's been a day now. And he hasn't even come to say 'hi' to me. Why won't he come talk to me when he's been at my house!"

Phil spoke, "maybe he's talking to y/n. maybe now because he's a ghost, he wants to make new friends. He's never met her before so its kinda obvious"

Techno looked up,  "but you know her! She doesn't like friends! She's probably explained that to him the first time they've met! Yet the blood is fresher every time"

"Must be desperate"

"I SWEAR IF RANBOO CATCHES FEELINGS FOR Y/N!" His hand went into a fist. Y/N was like a little sister to Techno, that's why he's being protective. But she ever thought of him as a big brother, and he knows that, but he still wants to protect her. Techno opened the door to exit, "I'll be right back. I have to- uhh- check up on something".

Phil put his hand on Techno's shoulder,  "Do what makes her happy. If y/n ends up wanting to be with Ranboo, don't ruin it for her. Got it?"

"No promises" He stomped off.

Philza watched as Techno pushed through the heavy snow. "What am I going to do with him" he said to himself.


297 words! Thanks for reading!

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