Chapter 3: I'm F*cking Bored

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The music blaring throughout the strip club was starting to annoy the hell out of me combined with the smell of drugs, alcohol, and sex. It reminded me too much of a life before I slithered into the city alley life. The music was so loud it started pulsing through my body like a parasite. Looking around to find the source of the disturbance, I caught the eyes of another type of irritation.

"Follow us closely (Y/n). I know this place could be distracting, but I think that's the point." Kaku told me, noticing how I covered my ears with my palms and wincing occasionally when the bass drops came, while Ran dragged along a disinterested Rindo to one of the VIP couch areas. I followed the third's instructions while holding one of my guns to my side, occasionally letting it bounce off my legs. Before we could catch up with the two purple-haired men, I silenced the club by shooting at all the speakers. The feeling of relief was short-lived as high-pitched screams began to fill my ears.

I started shooting up the ceiling catching everyone's attention and pointed my gun at a girl who happened to fall near me. "I hate loud noises." I calmly explained. Ran chuckled at the irony of my statement. I began walking towards our original destination and sat in the opposite direction of Ran on the couch. Everyone stopped in their tracks, well except Ran, almost like they were waiting for my next move. Feeling that I killed the mood, I opened my mouth again. "Carry on."

Murmurs filled the club now with people talking in hushed voices. Many eyes were on me, probably because of recognizing me as Jinx from the news and papers. Some girls were reassuring other girls that Bonten would protect them from me if I ever decide to turn against them. Bored, I leaned back against the round couch and looked around until my eyes landed on the girl who I held my gun towards. She was still on the ground frozen in fear.

I looked at what my partners were doing. Kaku was texting someone, probably someone in Bonten about what had happened. Ran was caressing a girl who was in his lap, probably calming her down, and kept trying to get girls to get with Rindo who kept refusing the offers from his brother with an irk. Ran seemed surprised by Rindo's refusals. It seemed that Rindo was also a womanizer like Ran.

"Come here." I stared at the girl on the ground. Rindo raised an eyebrow while Ran smirked. Kaku seemed done and mumbling to himself how he just needs to get through tonight.

"M-me?" The girl pointed to herself.

"Yeah," I answered. "Here, just like her." I pointed to the girl in Ran's lap.

The girl scurried and gently shifted the sheer curtain to get into the VIP section. She played with the hem of her lace dress and almost floated towards me with how soft she was stepping. She lightly put her bum between my knees on the soft cushion even though she was facing me. Seeing her look at the red soft fabric instead, I pulled her closer to me, putting my face between her breasts while trapping her with my knees like a venus fly trap. I sighed. "I'm tired." Eliciting a response from the girl minutes after, she gently pats the back of my head similar to how a mother would comfort a child.

"Bold." Ran whistled and turned to Kakucho. "How long are we going to be staying here for?"

"At most two hours. The police are off our tracks, but to be safe it's best if we stay for another hour." Answered Kaku.

Ran hummed at his answer and turned to his brother this time. "Rindo, why aren't you liking the girls I sent you? You're breaking your older brother's heart here." He pouted.

"Stop pestering me." Rindo scowled, hoping his brother would go on to a different topic.

"No." Ran smiled and continued pestering his brother to tell him why by rubbing him.

Rindo seemed to have enough because he slammed his palms onto the table in front and stood up. "It's because I have a girlfriend, okay?"

His brother gasped at his confession. "And you didn't tell your brother? I feel betrayed."

Rindo knew he fucked up as Kakucho stood up to sit him down and looked at him with his red and white eyes. "Did I hear you correctly, Rindo? You have a girlfriend right now?"

"N-no," Rindo cleared his throat. "I just have someone I'm interested in right now that's all."

Kakucho continued to stare down at the jellyfish-haired man. "It better be that way. You know that relationships are forbidden, especially because of our line of work, and if it comes to that you must inform Mikey himself or the top three," Kakucho paused as his bicolored eyes landed on my napping figure. "I mean top four. I do not want to see you making that mistake. Am I understood?"

"Yes, understood." Rindo rolled his eyes and sighed.

Ran thought about Rindo's confession deeply, obviously curious about his own brother's love life. After all, he did care about his brother a lot and didn't want him messing up, especially since they're now in a big criminal organization. He tried backtracking to any place where Rindo could've met with a female romantically, most likely privately since Ran would catch on if Rindo caught feelings for anyone. He has been with him so long that he could recognize what Rindo was feeling by just his facial expressions.

"I know what you're thinking, brother. Don't question it. I'll tell you when we get back to the penthouse tonight." Rindo whispered to his brother which his brother replied with a slight nod, giving up on guessing.

After an hour and a half, Kakucho stood up and made his command. "It's time to go. Get in the car." He walked out but not before giving a slight nudge for me to wake up. When the four got into the car, Kakucho made his next command. "Report back to Mikey immediately when we get back (Y/n). I know it's late, but consider this a special case."

"Alright." I yawned and returned to sleep, laying my head on Kaku's shoulder. He flinched at the sudden contact, but when his eyes landed on my asleep form he gently laid me onto his lap, deeming it a more comfortable spot for a nap. He put his blazer on top of my chest and eventually into a daze as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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