Prologue: Meeting You

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We weren't always running. After the war, me and my sister were taken from the ashes and were put under the wings of a powerful man from the underground. Since then did we begin running each and every day. Unfortunately, I was never made for running. My legs never let me take myself far, but that didn't matter because my sister was always there to be my legs when they failed. We never really knew what we were running for. The days would always repeat themselves when you're stuck there, it wasn't like tomorrow was going to be a new day.

We were always a team down there, me, my sister, and our two partners we picked up along the way. Our dad always protected us when we got into too much trouble. Adapting to the other members around us, we managed to get through and live. We were happy in a way, being free from the shackles they call lineage. In our family, we didn't leave anyone behind. There were some times when my friends would tease me about my incapabilities, why I was always the one who screwed things up for them, but nonetheless we felt like we belonged somewhere and that was all we could ask for.

That all changed one day. That day the powerful man, who we called dad, who united the underground was taken because of the growing greed that hid under the cracks never being checked. When that day arrived, I began to know my true worth. If I didn't realize it myself, the people around me made sure that I knew, even the people I once called my family. Other members began to realize that for themselves as well, going from dogs who would salivate at whatever the upper city would throw at them to dogs that would bite back at those same hands.

Never in my life was something I did could be described as on purpose by another, it was full of accidents, and it happened again on the day when father was taken. It was once my father taken but now the rest of my family as well. Using, the fabric left over from the ashes, I stitched back a family I once knew.

My life changed in that fire. I was no longer running towards a tomorrow where everything would end up the exact same but a tomorrow that would drown out my feelings of worthlessness. I was tossed around by the old generations of gangsters, being put in multiple "families" who would later sell me out whether to cover their own ass or whenever it benefits them. While the old generation grew old and retired for the new generation, I didn't take that opportunity to grow with them. From country to country, people would take their turn to take bites out of me until I bit back. Whenever I retaliated they knew it was time to give me the boot and toss the trash to another's backyard, hoping for the same jinx to follow them.

The running stopped when I met you, when I reached the land of sakura blossoms and the land of the kind of sweetness that would rot your teeth, stood in front of me who was digging through the trash that filled the city alleys. You stood before me with your white angelic hair and looked at me with the same eyes like they have seen me for my whole life and I pushed back your gaze like a mirror. You asked me for my hand and I gave it to you like we were in marriage. When you asked me what I called myself, I let you throw away the jinx and put the ring on me.

"Welcome to the family (Y/n)."

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╰──➢ Author's Note:

Hello, welcome to the start of the book! The book will update really slow because of school and I want to finish my first book before I focus on this one, even though it is really fun. I will try to leave a warning in the chapter title of any smut scenes if I choose to write them. I'm more of a fluff writer than a lemon one, but I will try my best! Have a good day ('。• ω •。') ♡

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