You and I

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For years, after Sasuke left the village to protect his brother, heeding Danzō's words, I trained as I bled and suffered. I love my village as much as I love Sasuke, but I can't help the pain in my heart when I remember the agony in his eyes that day. He burdened so much pain on his shoulders, balancing his responsibilities as a kid and a future shinobi, but he knew the day that his life changed would mark history forever, naming him the rogue ninja of the Hidden Leaves. 

Sasuke Uchiha isn't a murderer in my eyes. He's a victim. A measly pawn in Danzō's pathetic game to gain power over the village, but as two teenagers with no power in this monarchy, we'll never take him down. Not as we are. 

I want to save everyone, now that I found Sasuke again, but being confined in this prison means: you're alive to suffer through your punishment as a criminal, or dead to be haunted by your misery as a criminal when you were alive. 

I was living the life in pain, masking my misery behind an emotionless expression, neglecting the metaphorical void in my hollow chest that slowly began to crumble from the pressure of trying to keep the ideal image in front of everyone. I fought with my bare hands. I shed blood to protect my home, our home, but I felt nothing without him. Without Sasuke. No one understands what it means to lose a friend that you cherished your entire life. My soul is bound to his and I think I understand what it means to grasp love in chastity.

Love used to be something else to me. A dreadful feeling from wanting to feel another's love again. My father made me feel lonely, and, in spite of my endurance to his absence in my intolerable life, I found a reason to be strong. I found Sasuke. 

His absence might've brought me pain too, but I promised myself, no, I made a vow as a ninja to bring him back in my arms once I left the village safely, and once I found his warmth again; I wanted to find a way to save him and everyone else. I'm selfish, I know, but I'm not evil. I love everyone. I see the village as my home. They might've torn down my self-esteem quite a bit, but Sasuke built it back up each time, reminding me that if I listened to them, we wouldn't become rivals in the future. 

That we wouldn't become the ideal figures of Konoha that would lead them to peace. 

I heeded Sasuke's words as I longed for him for years. I hated the loneliness but the loneliness is what kept me sane for Sasuke. I fought to be stronger, I fought to protect my home, and I fought to protect Sasuke, All of those enemies that were after Sasuke's blood, I defeated them all. Without the Nine-Tailed chakra. 

Even as we sit in this cold cell within this ghastly prison, I know what needs to be done and what I need to do. I can sit around and be filled with happiness, but that's not going to break us out of here. I need to think of a plan, a solution. I need to―

"Danzō will stop at nothing to become Hokage," Sasuke says, interrupting my thoughts. "Even if it means he'll have to wipe out the entire village just to create his own despotism. He holds an entire arm of Sharingan, and, as much as it pisses me off, I can't add on to my criminal record in the bingo book for killing one of the council." 

"So what now? We sit in here until he gets what he wants?" I ask, watching one of the guards walk past our cell. 

"No, we need to find a way to bail out of here, but we can't be hasty." 

"What did you do so far?" 

Sasuke sighs. "All I did was think of an effective strategy, nothing else. So far, all I got is to defeat Mui and find a way to get him to undo this seal so I can escape back to Itachi." 

"Where is he anyway?" 

Sasuke goes silent and looks away from me.


Love In The Blood Prison | Sasunaru/NarusasuWhere stories live. Discover now