Out of my mind, pt. 1

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Nearing the village after we debarked the boat, Sasuke and I pause in our tracks, sensing a change in the air. It's similar to the pre-rampage of Kurama, aka the Nine-Tailed Fox. A chill runs down our spines when the bushes begin to shake without any wind to blow on them. 

Sakura senses the change in the air too but continues to walk ahead to guard the Hokage as everyone approaches the Leaf Village, where my gut is screaming at me to turn around. I have never crossed that line physically of my own will, yet I have a bad feeling about entering the village on foot. 

Sasuke takes out a kunai, scanning the area as he stands in front of me, hand almost pressing where the seal is behind the layer of clothing. He knows how easy it is to undo the seal and I feel guilty that he has to protect me, a vessel for Kurama, to prevent anyone with a kekkei genkai like his from triggering any sudden change in me. 

Such as another rampage. 

You see... I've gone through these... 'rage' modes, if you can call them that, and over time, some enemies gradually uncovered the truth behind these modes. I was previously seen as a monster in the village from how many times I couldn't control my own body. One enemy even tried to force me to undo my seal but Kakashi stood in between us that day to stop them.

I don't want Sasuke to see that side of me.

Or anywhere close to the person I was before.

"Naruto," my own name rouses me out of my ruminating, causing me to meet Sasuke's gaze, "I think your hunch was right. I mean, I knew you were right, I didn't doubt you, but I didn't think it'd actually happen. Don't think I don't trust your judgement, I just..."

"It's okay, Sasuke. I know what you mean." I smile warmly at him. 

"I'm not used to you smiling, Naruto," Sakura says, chuckling a little. "But I prefer that smile over a frown any day." 

"Sakura..." I pout, softly glaring at my comrade who only giggles before turning her attention back to the Hokage. 

Sasuke emits a small laugh before the sound of fast footsteps stops him. A brief silence hangs in the air before a gust of wind sends Sasuke and me into a tree, restraining our limbs to the bark. 

"Naruto Uzumaki." A voice croons my name so maliciously, that I almost shivered out of pure fear. 

"Who are―" I don't finish my question before a firm grip tightens around my chin. My gaze falls in front of me, noticing the air around me shaping into a person. 

"My name is not for you to know, Naruto." The person finally appears in front of me, wearing an orange mask, covering the entirety of his face. I blink, trying my best to remember the guy from the bingo book. I read the bingo book daily and for some reason, I can't distinguish his identity quite as well as I do with the others. 

"Leave him alone!" Sasuke struggles to get out of the restraints, his eyes activated to fight against the enemy. 

"No thanks, Uchiha. I prefer to do things as I please." He pushes my head against the bark. "And that's completing what that bastard, Minato Namikaze, stopped me from doing years ago. I heard he was recently-appointed Hokage before he turned you into the new jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails. Though, before the public could hear about their new Hokage, a man abruptly stopped his plans and sent the entire village into havoc, right?" 

"That's a no-brainer, stranger. Everyone knows that by now." I choke out a gasp when the man tightens his fingers around my neck. "If you're ― trying to―" I glare at the man, daring him to kill me as I struggle internally to keep Kurama at bay who's panicking, cursing more than a sailor would, "to repeat that ― night ― don't bother ― you're done for―" 

On cue, Sakura swoops in and punches the ground causing the mysterious man to jump back, allowing her to free us and check my seal. 

It's loosened. 

"Bastard! What the hell did you do?" Sasuke asks loudly, grabbing his sword in exchange for the small kunai as a better choice of weapon.

"I did nothing." The stranger chuckles as I feel a strong impulse run through my body, signaling every nerve to send me into a frantic state. I hunch over in pain, trying to resist as Kurama warns me that I won't be able to escape the transformation and get everyone out of the village. Fast. 

The Hokage reads the situation and signals the village to evacuate thanks to Kakashi's assistance. Although situations like these don't call for evacuations, my body is a clear sign that something much more sinister is happening. My nails grow into claws and, despite controlling Kurama and befriending him, I'm losing control again.

I'm losing consciousness as well.

"There he is! The weapon that is appropriate for this occasion! Naruto Uzumaki!" He extends his hand out, laughing hysterically. "The monster that will give the leader a new era to lead all of this damnation!"

"Shut up!" I growl, my voice echoing into a monstrous roar as my final bit of consciousness slips away.

But, after a few seconds, my consciousness returns, yet I can't control my body or anything else. I can feel every ounce of pain as my skin is ripped to become the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Sasuke tries to help me by using his Sharingan on me to command Kurama to calm down, but the man, without moving an inch, causes my entire body to enlarge and become the Nine-Tailed Fox. It's still imperfect, but it's enough to make me destroy everything in my path, including the gate. 

Everyone tries to stop me, but I destroy every house and property in my path.

Sasuke perches on my shoulder, trying to tell me to stop or I'll destroy my mom's house which is only a few steps away.

Just then, a yellow flash blinds me before a gentle voice fills my head;

"Naruto, it's okay."

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