the help from heaven

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Darel: I still do not understand...

Burnu: what?

Darel: why would jarrah want to take control quoba but not someone else.

Wilka: ur right... Is like quoba has a power that we don't...

Darel: quoba has telekinesis! She has the power to make plants obey and grow...

Wilka: so as she gets more powerful... she might also get to control animals!!!

Darel: like queen cobra...

Everyone: gasps*

Darel: we need to get back now!

Bindi: the village is just across that hill of sand.

Burnu: then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

We rushed back only to find ourselves in front of the nova australis

We rushed to the others and told them the news

Stargazer: this bad indeed, we need to be prepared...

Old jir: we must be prepared,We will need to make defenses but darel. You need to slow them down, otherwise we won't make it.

I looked at everyone, they were looking back at me.

Darel: set walls around... I will go and try to slow them down. Jir, how is the combat army?

Old jir: on guard duty

Darel: if someone could just follow me.

As the meeting ended I took a stroll in the woods... because the meeting was like forever

But as I trotted deep into the woods, there was slight small star in the sky. A very bright one but what I noticed is that the star got bigger and bigger like it was coming closer, and it was! I quickened my pase as the star drew closer and closer to the earth. Soon, my pace became a run and my run became a sprint. I turn to look what it was, it was a comet and it was only miles from earth! I manage to exit the woods but the comet landed right behind me which sended me flying in the air

(Jarrah Pov)

Jarrah: quoba, how much longer must the resurrection take?

Quoba: very soon my queen

Jarrah: Good because the gods sent a hero to help them

Quoba: and who do you think it is

Jarrah: a legendary warrior, a descended and more likely relative to the rainbow serpent!

Quoba: so what are you going to do about it

Jarrah: after resurrection, prepare my army...

Quoba: yes my queen

Jarrah: very well, very well...

(Darel pov)

I felt dizzy, my eyes were heavy bit I opened them anyway. I felt a very sharp pain in my spinal cord. I slowly stood up and tried to stand. But I realised that it wasn't my spinal cord. It was a meteor rock and very hot one.

I examined it closely and looked what it was. As I stepped down into the hole of the explosion, I felt a metal part under me. I slowly started digging the dirt and rocks and found a human!!!

Upon seeing it, I jumped backwards in shock, a human was in the meteor. I climbed up and dragged him out of the hole and into nova austalis.

As I dragged him, I felt as if he was going to surprise attack me.

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