16: Questions

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Saylor POV:

"I have a question," Britt shouts, walking into my room.

I look up from my homework with a blank stare. 

"Yes?" I ask, unenthused.

She breaks out into a huge grin. Oh no. This cannot end well. This NEVER ends well. I sigh, waiting for her to ask her question.

"What the hell are you doing in your pajamas? We are leaving in ten minutes," she says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

I look at her, completely puzzled. It's Wednesday night at 6:30 PM. What could we be leaving for? We don't have dance today and we had cheer immediately after school, so it can't be either of those. Plus, I already ate dinner so she can't force me to get food with her. I check my phone, to see if I have any reminders. I don't, so I look at her with an expectant look.

"Ohh did I forget to tell you?" she asks, before adding, "We're going to Peter's hockey game today."

I shake my head no. I know Trevor and I cleared things up but I'm not sure if I'm ready to see him again after Sunday night in my kitchen. Before I can get any words out, Britt is rummaging through my closet trying to find something for me to wear.

"You need to look cute but casual but also trendy without looking like you're trying too hard," Britt tells me.

I roll my eyes and say, "The best I can do is a hoodie with leggings."

She looks as if she's about to protest, but decides against it. She's lucky I'm even agreeing to this.

I swipe on some mascara and brush my hair and am ready within my ten-minute time frame. Britt informs me that Ansley is picking us up at 6:45, so I grab a jacket, my wallet, and my keys so I can get back into my house later. Ansley pulls up to my house and we are on our way.

In the car, my two dear friends start grilling me about seeing Trevor. I explain that I do not want to see him yet, which they clearly do not like.

"No Saylor. Things seem to be going somewhere with Alex and me and we can't double date if you aren't talking to Trevor," Ansley demands. I honestly have never heard her speak so sternly. 

Britt adds, "Yeah I'm close to starting to be getting somewhere with Jack so. Me too!"

Honestly, I don't even fully understand what Britt was trying to say, but I laugh because she cracks me up. I feel my phone buzz as we approach the rink. Of course, it's a text from Trevor. How perfect.


I heard you're coming to the game. I'm gonna score the game-winner just for you, babe.

Yeah, spoken in the words of a player. I scoff at his message and put down my phone. Ansley finds a parking spot and we make our way inside, to our seats. The game begins and it's going pretty slow at first. Peter and Cole both scored unanswered goals in the first period, just for the opposing team to tie it up in the second. With five minutes left in the third period, it's still tied 2-2. We are all on the edge of our seats, watching to see which team will score the next, and possible game-winning, goal. In the last minute, there is a scramble for the puck in front of our net and suddenly Trevor is zooming down the ice with the puck on a breakaway. 

I watch in awe as the puck hits the back of the net and the whole team celebrates. The buzzer goes off, signaling the end of the game. I just stand there in amazement that Trevor actually did score the game-winning goal.

"Say, come on. We're gonna go wait outside their locker room," Ansley says, nudging my arm. 

I hurry to catch up with them, and we make our way down. We wait for nearly 45 minutes while they get undressed, talk to their coach, and shower. Peter is the first one out of the dressing room and we congratulate him on his goal. He and Britt talk about the game some more while Ansley waits on her phone and I pray that Alex comes out next so we can leave. Much to my dismay, Trevor is the next person to come out.

"Wow look at this superstar," Ansley says as he walks out smiling.

He gives her a hug and immediately walks over to me. Here we go.

"Did you get my text earlier?" he asks me, sounding worried.

"I did," I reply dryly. 

"Oh, you didn't answer. Well, that goal was for you," he tells me.

"Yeah. Congratulations," I say, not entertaining this conversation. 

Thankfully, Alex and Jack walk out and ask us all if we wanna go to the diner. Obviously, Ansley and Britt say yes so I have no choice. 

"Looks like there won't be any room in your car Ans so I'll take Saylor," Trevor says as we're walking outside.

I'm about to argue but she says, "Ok perfect!"

I sigh, and Trevor and I walk to his car in silence. We get in and he asks, "Are you ever gonna talk to me?"

I look down, not knowing what to say. I know he's waiting for an answer, so I say, "Trev you know I was hurt by what happened and I'm not ready to keep getting hurt over and over again."

"I know that Saylor, I really do. Trust me I've been beating myself up over it. But I can't change what happened. You know how much I care about you," Trevor says, pleading with me.

He starts to drive in the direction of the diner. I know he's right. He does care about me and he can't change the past. I should go easier on him.

"You're right," I say softly. 

"Say, I've been thinking a lot. I need to ask you a question," Trevor says, sounding serious.

I worriedly question him, "What is it Trev?"

We pull into the diner parking lot and he parks the car. He turns to me and takes a deep breath before saying, "Will you be my girlfriend?" 


A/N: sorry this was lowkey so long. I had writer's block when I started this chapter and I didn't know how to get to the point haha

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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