14: Self Love

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Saylor POV:

The next morning I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on my bedroom door. I check my phone and see it's already 11:30 and I have 9 missed calls from Trevor, as well as notifications from my group chat with Britt and Ansley, and a text from Peter. I tell whoever is knocking at my door to come in, assuming that it's my mom. The door opens and I look up to see Trevor standing before me.

"What do you want?" I spit at him coldly.

He looks nervous and pauses before he speaks.

"I came to talk to you about last night," he starts before I interrupt him.

"Hold up... how did you get in my house?" I ask because I am genuinely curious.

He chuckled lightly before saying, "Your dad let me in."

Of course. I sigh, saying, "You may continue."

Trevor begins speaking, "I wanted to talk about last night. "

I look around the room with a blank face. I look back at Trevor, who is still waiting for an answer, and say, "There's nothing to talk about."

He sighs in defeat and turns to leave. Before he walks out of the door, he stops and turns around, saying, "I'm not giving up on you, Say."

My heart flutters even though I'm so mad at him. I chuckle and reply, "Well I didn't exactly peg you as a quitter Zegras."

Trevor smiles at me before he walks out, closing my door behind him.

I lie in bed until about four in the afternoon, when I finally grow tired of feeling sorry for myself. I get up and look in the mirror. I think back to myself about what my therapist said to me at our last session. She told me that I'm my worst critic and once I have respect for myself no one else will matter. I take a deep breath and stare at my reflection for a while, until I start to see the flaws. My eyes begin to water, but I blink away the tears. In a choked up voice, I tell myself, "Saylor Mitchell, you are enough. You have been to hell and back and you're still here. You do not need anyone. You are unbreakable and you have a purpose."

And here come the waterworks. I sit on my floor and cry for what feels like hours. I finally stop crying and go to the bathroom to wash my face. When I come back, I grab my phone and text in a groupchat with Ansley, Britt, Peter, Jack, and Alex asking if anyone wants to come over for ice cream and a movie. Britt and Peter both reply saying that they're on their way. Ansley, Alex, and Jack also say that they'll come. I change into fresh pajamas and put my hair in a bun. I go downstairs and pick out a movie to watch and tidy up the movie room for company. My doorbell rings, so I go to answer it. Britt and Peter are standing before me with bags of ice cream and candy. Britt gives me an empathetic look and pulls me in for a hug. When we pull apart, I say, "Britt stop being so dramatic we weren't even dating," which causes her to laugh.

They head down to the movie room and make themselves comfortable while I grab them some drinks. My doorbell rings again and I open it to see Jack. We greet each other and I direct him to the movie room, going back to the kitchen to finish my task. The doorbell rings for the third time, which makes me regret not telling them to just come in. I open the door and see Alex and Ansley. Together. I give her a slightly confused smirk and she giggles. We all walk downstairs and sit on the couch. I get to choose the movie because I had a shitty day so I choose Dear John. Just to make me feel worse. Before the movie is over, I am leaning on Britt's shoulder fast asleep. 


A/N: Short and sweet except it's actually just a filler. Sorry for the wait I was focusing on the start of school but I should update again soon!

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