11: Planning

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Saylor POV

I wake up at 6:30 to the sound of my alarm blaring. Usually, this would be a tragic event. However, since today is Friday, I jump out of bed and get ready for the day so I can get it over with. I walk to my closet and grab my uniform and bring it to the bathroom with me. I turn on the shower and brush my teeth while the water heats up. When I get out of the shower, I dry off and throw my uniform on. If I'm being honest, I love wearing a uniform. It saves me time when I'm trying to find an outfit for school and it's surprisingly comfortable. I decide to brush out my wet hair and just put it in a side-braid instead of drying it. I throw on mascara and head downstairs to fill my water bottle for the day (yay for saving the environment!!). Jason is sitting at the island eating breakfast and greets me when I come into the kitchen. 

I finish what I'm doing and give him a five-minute warning. He grumbles a response as I head to my room. I throw on a hoodie over my uniform because it's beginning to get cold outside. I check my school bag to make sure all my books are in it and seeing that they are, I grab that bag and my cheer bag and go back downstairs. I see Jason is ready, so we yell goodbye to our parents before heading to my car. Before we leave to pick up my friends, I plug my phone into the aux and shuffle my driving playlist.

When we pull up to the Woods' house, I text Britt that we are outside. As usual, she forces Jason to sit in the back with Peter. We continue our drive, and pick up Ansley along the way. Before we got to school, we stop at Starbucks to get coffee so we will have enough energy to get through today. When we pull into the school parking lot, we all get out of the car and Jason heads over to a group of his friends. Britt, Peter, Ansley, and I all head into the building, trying to escape the crisp fall air.

The girls and I were discussing our costumes for the halloween party tomorrow night. We decided to go as White Claws because we're basic. While we were talking about our costumes, my enemy, Hannah, approaches us and says, "I heard you girls will be at Jack Hughes's halloween party tomorrow night."

We all blankly stare at her. Obviously we're going. We're actually friends with him. I nod slowly and say, "Yes..." waiting for her to say more.

She lets out a little huff and then says, "Well I also got invited," before walking away.

Once she is gone, the three of us burst out laughing. Britt then says, "I'm glad she has enough confidence to think we care that she's going."

The first bell rings signaling that we have to start heading to our first class. Britt and I say bye to Ansley and then head to our first class, which is English. When we get situated in our seats, I check my phone one last time before class starts and notice I have a text from Trevor.

Trevor :) 

Hey pretty girl. Are you busy after practice today? I want to see you


No, I'm free! What did you have in mind?

Trevor :)

Ice cream and movies at yours? 8:00?

Sounds great! See you then :)

Now I just have to get through the rest of this boring school day and cheer practice so I can see Trevor. 


A/N: I'M SO SORRYYYYY this literally took forever to update because I had such bad writer's block but now I'm ready to continue this story.

This chapter is a super short filler but I have a good one coming!

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