13: Hallo-EEK

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Saylor POV:

I wake up to my phone ringing and I check to see that it's Britt. Of course. I check the time and discover it's just after 8 in the morning. On a Saturday. I could kill her. I answer groggily saying, "Yes?"

"Good morning brat happy halloween! I'm on my way to your house!" she practically screams into the phone.

"Why are you coming over so early?" I ask her, slightly confused.

I hear a car door slam through the phone, so I'm assuming she's bringing Ansley with her.

"Good morning Say!" Ansley yells into the phone.

Why are these girls so peppy this early? Britt's voice breaks my train of thought... again. "We have to finalize our costumes for tonight and start getting ready and hang out and pregame like we always do before parties," she explains.

Ahhh. This sounds like something my psychiatrist would not be thrilled with. You know... slipping back into my old party routine habits? But whatever! I hang up with them and go take a quick shower before they get here. Thank goodness I shaved yesterday. Once I am out, I slip on Lululemon leggings and a tank top from Brandy Melville. I hear my front door open because Britt and Ansley always let themselves in. They come bounding up the stairs to my room, where I shush them because the rest of my family is still asleep. We begin to discuss the costumes, hair, makeup, and accessories for tonight. An hour later, we are finally done planning. We decide to go to Starbucks to get coffee.

We arrive at Starbucks around 10 am and we go in to order. I get a hot caramel latte because it's freezing out. Ansley gets a pumpkin spice latte and Britt gets cold brew because she's a psycho. We stay there and chat for an hour, but get bored so we go to the mall. We decide to text the boys before we head there to see if they want to come. Alex, Trevor, and Peter all respond and say they'll meet us there, but Jack has to set up for his party tonight.

We meet the guys in the parking lot, and we all hug and say hello. Trevor hugs me for a little longer than Britt and Ansley, which makes me smile. However, I do not think anyone else notices until Alex says, "Aw my parents," in a teasing voice.

Trevor lightly punches his arm and we walk into the large building. The girls and I had originally planned to just come and look around to kill time, but the guys inform us that they have nothing to wear for tonight. We suggest just wearing hockey jerseys but they insist on finding something "less basic". We go into a store that has t-shirts and they find superhero shirts. They decide to go as different superheroes which makes the shopping trip much easier. Britt begs us to go to Sephora, which Ansley and I instantly agree to even though Peter, Alex, and Trevor are whining about it. While we are walking through the mall, Trevor reaches down and grabs my hand. I smile silently and continue walking.

By the time we get back to my house, it is 2:30 so we decide to watch New Girl on Netflix for a few hours before we have to start getting ready. At 6:00, we get up and start to do our hair and makeup. We all straighten our hair and help each other with the back. We put sparkles under our eyes and on our chests, and do normal makeup other than that. We are done getting ready by 6:30 because teamwork makes the dream work! We go downstairs because my mom ordered us pizza and we all have a slice before we go back upstairs to put our costumes on and start pregaming.

We order the uber from my house to Jack's at 7:30 and I'm not gonna lie, I'm already pretty tipsy. When we arrive at Jack's we walk through the front door and I see a bunch of people that I don't know, probably from Jack's school. We walk to the kitchen and take some pictures for Instagram before we start looking ratty. While we are taking pictures, Trevor walks into the kitchen and I walk, or stumble, over to him.

"Hiiiiii Trev," I say while leaning on the counter.

He lets out an adorable chuckle. He then puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "You ok there Say?"

Wow I really love hearing him say my name. He's so cute. I reallyyyy want to kiss him. I decide to tell him that. I grab his shoulder and pull his ear down to my mouth level and whisper, "I really want to kiss you right now, Zegras."

He sighs, clearly more sober than I am, and replies, "I want to kiss you too, but not when you're this drunk."

I pull away from him and go search for water. I am looking all over Jack's house for water, but end up just wandering to the bathroom. I drink some water from the sink and pee while I'm in there. When I open the door to leave, I am face to face with Tom. Yep, that'll sober me up real fast.

"Hey there," Tom, my ex boyfriend, says with a smirk.

I push past him to go find Britt and Ansley. Who the hell invited him here? I know for a fact he doesn't know Jack and Peter hates him. I finally find my friends and fill them in on what just happened. Thankfully, I am not crying over it. This assures me that he can't hurt me anymore. We go downstairs to go talk and get me a new drink because I definitely need it now. We reach the bottom of the stairs and I see Hannah with her arms wrapped around Trevor. My Trevor! Ok well not my Trevor but I thought we were going somewhere! And she was kissing his neck! That bitch! I audibly gasp, which I did not think they would actually hear. They both turn and look in my direction and Trevor pushes her off of him.

"Oh hey Saylor! Did you see I invited Tom? I thought you two may want to catch up!" Hannah says in the fakest voice EVER.

I just stand there staring at Hannah and Trevor with my mouth gaping open. Why is she so evil? And why was Trevor so close to her? Trevor takes a step toward me and I back up, saying, "I don't want to be near you right now. I finally let you in even though it was so hard for me. After all that time I finally admit my feelings to you and you do this? Come on dude."

I run back up the stairs with Britt and Ansley following me, trying to comfort me. I turn to them and say, "Guys it doesn't matter. Go have fun. I'll go bother Peter."

They give me uneasy looks and I reassure them I'm fine. I've dealt with worse. Before Britt walks away I grab her arm and whisper, "Why don't you go find Jack?"

She immediately turns beet red and then sprints away from me. Meanwhile, I go to find Peter. While I'm searching for him I spot Alex and Ansley talking. Go girl! Anyways, I eventually find him in the kitchen with a bowl of salsa in his hand. Fatass. I sit down and join him in eating.

"You seem down, Say," Peter finally observes.

"Yeah well Trevor and Hannah were talking, so..." I respond dryly.

Peter nearly chokes on his chips and asks if I'm positive. I roll my eyes and say, "Why don't you ask his hickies if I'm positive?"

Peter grabs his keys and says, "I'm DD and I'm bored. Why don't I drive you home and we can watch some of your stupid show before I have to come pick up Britt and Ansley?"

I jump up and hug Peter. He always knows how to make me feel better. I text Britt and Ansley that Peter's driving me home and then we head to his car. 

Saylor, Britt, and Ansley's costumes

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Saylor, Britt, and Ansley's costumes


A/N: Aw yay Peter to the rescue! 

I shall update soon my loves!

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