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"North Star boys on 3, 1, 2, 3 North Star boys!!" The group of boys shouted out. It was currently 2 in the morning and the boys had just finished filming for their YouTube channel.

Sebastian yawned "Alright well I'm going to sleep, I'm tired"

"You know, i would've thought that Regie would've went to sleep first considering the fact that he loves to sleep" Kane said chuckling a bit, "Haha yea, well I've been feeling pretty worn out all day plus it's like two am"

Kane walked up to Sebastian, "Oh are you okay? You're not sick or anything are you?!" He asked, putting his hand on the others forehead. "Yea no I'm fine, just a little tired. I'll be fine by tomorrow don't worry about me." He reassured the other, "if you say so" Kane walked towards the kitchen.

The other members had already left to their respective rooms leaving Sebastian alone. "Ah" He held his hand against his head. "Another headache" He walked towards the kitchen and grabbed some water along with some tylenol. His head had been hurting the entire day there were even times where he felt like fainting.

"I should go to the doctor tomorrow..." He thought to himself as he slowly walked upstairs feeling himself get dizzy with every moving step. "Oh no" He tightly gripped the railing as he felt his vision slowly blacken, "woah are you okay???" Kane asked as he carefully walked over to Sebastian. "Yeah my vision just went out for a second there" "Here hold onto me I'll walk you to your room" Kane carefully grabbed Sebastians arm and put it around his neck.

As they arrived at Sebastians shared room Kane gently helped the other change out of his clothes and put him on the bed trying not to wake the others already sleeping brother.

"Make sure you get plenty of sleep alright? If you don't feel better tomorrow let me know and I'll take you to the doctor okay?" "Mkay, thank you Kane" "Of course, now go to sleep" Kane said walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

As morning arrived most of the members were already awake and waiting for their daily 9 am meeting to start. That was until they heard a cry, a baby cry to be more specific...

Justin shot up at the noise, "What was that??" "A baby...i think" Darren answered, "We don't have a baby??? No one does??" "You're right"

The two boys looked at each other, "Well what are you two waiting for let's go check it out" Ryan suddenly said surprising the both.

"WAHHH WAHHHH" A wail suddenly came from underneath the bedsheet covers.

"What the-"

Oliver quickly got up and lifted up the covers to see- "A BABY???" Oliver screamed out.

"What's with all the noise?" Regie asks softly rubbing his eyes, Oliver points at the covers "THERE'S A BABY UNDER THERE."

"A baby?" Regie asked, "Wait okay so first of all how is there a baby in this house? And second where's Sebastian?" Ty asked getting closer to the bed.

"I don't know! When I went to bed Sebastian wasn't there yet so I decided to got to sleep first and when I woke up I heard a baby crying and that's all I know!"

Ty lifted up the covers and saw a baby that kind of looked like a mini Sebastian?

"Hey Oli? Why does this baby kinda look like Seb?" Tyler asked as he slowly picked up the baby.

Oliver walked over to where Tyler was at and took a look at the baby, "Oh my goodness, that's Sebastian-"

"Well shit" Ty muttered

"HOW THE FUCK DID HE TURN INTO A BABY???" Darren suddenly screamed out, "I DON'T KNOW???"

"WAHH WAHHHH" a loud cry came from the baby

"Okay okay everyone calm down, first Oliver get baby Sebastian and try to calm him down please, everyone else go downstairs and we'll try to figure something out"

"Ok ok hey Seb come here" Oliver softly said as he gently grabbed Sebastian from Tyler and cradled him while softly singing to him.

Once Sebastian had calmed down a bit Oliver went downstairs and joined the others.

"Is he sleeping?" Tyler asked, "yea" Oliver replied, "Okay so we're gonna go to Target and buy baby stuff since we clearly don't have any, after that i don't know what we're gonna do..."

"What do we get tho?" Darren asked, "What do you mean?" Regie asked, "i mean like what do buy for a baby-??" "Are you stupid?? We buy diapers and baby food stupid" Regie wacked him.


At target

"Okay let's split up, Ryan and Justin you guys go get baby food/formula, bottles and some bibs Darren, Kane and Regie go get baby clothes and pampers, Tyler and I will go and get some baby shampoo and some other stuff. Everybody meet back here in two hours."

And so the adventure begins


Author here! Sorry for the long wait but I've been changing up the story and editing out the parts i didn't like, i hope you guys like it!

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