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"All done!" Oliver put everything away and picked Sebastian up, "aren't you gonna burp him?" Darren asked, "Oh right. I'm just supposed too pat his back right?" "Eh sorta, here give him to me I'll do it" Oliver gently put Sebastian in Darren's arms and stepped back a bit.

Darren sat Sebastian on his lap supporting his chin and chest with one hand and pats his back with his other hand, he does it for a couple of seconds before Sebastian burped.

"Woah where did you learn how to do that?" "Secret~ anyways you should probably go put him to sleep" He gently handed Sebastian over to the other "no" Oliver rejected, "huh what do you mean no?" Darren pulled the almost sleeping baby back to his chest. "I mean I won't be the one putting him to sleep" "then who will?" "You, now get going" "Ah yes!" Darren carefully walked away with a big grin plastered on his face.

After the other had left Oliver continued putting the baby food away occasionally taking a bite out of one of the apple flavored Gerber baby food. I mean can you blame him? It tastes amazing.

Speaking of baby food, "Hey Justin!" Oliver called out "what's up?" Asked Justin as he walked into the kitchen hopping onto the counter and sitting on it. "Oh shit pass me some of that john" Oliver chuckled a bit before handing the baby food over to Justin who excitedly ate the food that was handed to him. "Anyways what's up?" "Just wanted to tell you don't forget to buy the baby formula for Seb." "Ah right how could I forget" Oliver chuckled, "I don't know you tell me" "i don't know either"

"Hey Sebastian is sleeping already" Darren says walking into the kitchen, "oh shoot lemme try some of that shit" "There's some more in the cupboards! I don't know how Justin managed to grab a whole ton of baby food and not get any baby formula.." "Hey! It's not my fault I forgot!" Justin exclaimed, "it sorta is-" Kane says as he walks in. "Shutup Kane" Kane chuckled, "Sorry"

"Anywayss, how do we turn Sebastian back to normal?" Justin asked as he took a bite out of the baby food. "I'm not sure. Actually did he seem off these past couple of days? You know before he turned into a baby?" Oliver asked, "what do you mean?" Darren asked. "Like did he say something about feeling weird? Or was he acting weird?" "Oh actually he did say he wasn't feeling well yesterday" Kane said hopping onto the counter next to Justin.

"I also saw him on the stairs holding his head, I think he told me that his vision went out for a second while going up the stairs? I'm not sure" "what do you mean you're not sure? You were the one with him last night!" Darren nearly yelled out, "It was 2 in the morning! I was tired, my mind wasn't functioning properly!!" Kane yelled back. "It never does!" Darren retorted.

"Guys be quiet there's a baby upstairs" Oliver said, "sorry" the other two apologized.

"Also what the fuck did you mean by he was holding his head? Did he take off his head and put it on his hands or what" "what the fuck no." "Then why'd you say it like that??" Darren whisper yelled, "He was touching his forehead while leaning on the railing, is that better?" Kane whisper yelled back.

"The fuck are they doing?" Ryan asks, walking into the kitchen, "arguing over something Kane said, you know the usual" Justin replies opening up another Gerber baby food bottle, "Hey stop eating them!" Oliver snatched the bottle away before the other could even take a bite out of the food inside the bottle. "What the heck-" "not until you buy the baby formula" "tsk fine I'll go right now." Justin jumped off the counter and grabbed his car keys. "Hey wait I'm going with you" Ryan shouted from the kitchen, "well hurry up!" Justin yelled back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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