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"Okay let's split up, Ryan and Justin you guys go get baby food/formula, bottles and some bibs Darren, Kane and Regie go get baby clothes and pampers, Tyler and I will go and get some baby shampoo and some other stuff. Everybody meet back here in two hours."

With Ryan and Justin

Justin picked up a Gerber baby food jar and examined it for a bit, "Hey do you think that these taste good?" He asked Ryan who was putting the bottles and bibs in their cart.

"Probably, i mean it's sorta like apple sauce right?" "Yea! Sebastian likes apple sauce so let's get a lot of these oh and maybe some of the carrot one!"

"I think that's more then enough food for him-" Ryan said as he watched Justin fill up the cart with baby food.

"Baby's eat a lot don't they? So this should be fine" "If you say so..." 

With Darren, Kane and Regie

"Hey what size is baby Sebastian?" Kane asked as he looked at the pampers, "I don't know just get whichever one" Regie mumbled.

"Orrr you can just get one of each" Darren suggested as he grabbed one of every size and put them in the cart. "Now onto the baby clothes!"

"Well you seem excited for this" Kane giggled a bit, "That's cause I am, I've always wanted to shop for baby clothes whether it be for my friends kid or just my own." "why?" "I don't know it just seemed kind of fun? Anyways what size is he in babies-" "dumbasses i tell you" Regie cursed under his breath as he took out his phone and started texting Oliver.

With Tyler and Oliver

"Hey Tyler which shampoo is better Pipette or Babyganics?" "Hm probably Pipette? I'm not too sure but take both just in case" "Gotcha"

"Okay so we need to get a crib and a high chair for him" Tyler mumbled, "Oh this one looks nice, hey oli?" "Yea?" "Was Sebastian ever the messy type?" "Uhm not really? He wasn't that bad of a baby he was just a really big crybaby" "i see..."

After they had all finished their respective shopping they went to grab some food. "I wonder how Bae's doing." Kane wondered, "probably dealing with a crying Sebastian right now" Oliver laughed. "Poor Bae"

They were now heading home after shopping for baby Sebastian.

Oliver was the first person to get out of the car and into the house, he quickly ran up the stairs and went to his shared room with Sebastian.

"Hey Bae!" Oliver greeted the videographer, "oh hey oli" Bae looked up from the floor, "how was Seb?" Oliver asked as he sat on the floor next to Bae and Sebastian. "Not that bad. He spent half the time playing with my camera and some toy cars he found in the room"

"That's good to hear" "Yea well I'll be taking my leave now see ya" "see ya and thanks again for watching him!" "Mhm!"

Shortly after Bae left the other members walked into the room holding bags from target. "Hey we brought the stuff" Darren said as he placed the things on the bed. "Great pass me the diapers first"

Since they didn't have any baby supplies they had decided to wrap Sebastian up in a towel.

Oliver scrunched his nose, "Oh gosh i think he pooped. "Ew and on the towel?" Darren disgustingly asked, "well where else was he supposed to poop? On the toilet?" Ryan asked covering his nose.

"Quick pass me some wipes, a diaper and some clothes." Oliver picked up Sebastian and took him to the restroom. He gently placed him on the counter and patiently waited for one of the members to bring him the stuff.

"Her you go" Justin hesitantly handed Oliver the things then quickly ran of of the restroom. "Oh goodness, this smells so bad, what did you eat??" Oliver quickly cleaned and changed Sebastian before heading out to the rest of the members.


It is currently 12 am so sorry for all the grammer and spelling mistakes.

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