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"Alrighty he's all cleaned up" Oliver walked towards the group with Sebastian in his arms, "So what kind of clothes did you guys get him?" "The cool kind" Darren says, "He's gonna look so amazing in these~" "Yea i don't trust that one bit" Ryan says while chuckling.

"Have a little faith in me Ryan" "No thanks I'm good" "how rude anyways i got him this!" Darren pulled up a blue romper that has two litte balls on the top of the hood, "you know what I'm not gonna lie that's kinda cute" Justin says

"See i told you! Here let me put it on him" Oliver gave Sebastian over to Darren and Darren carefully took off his current clothes and put the romper on him, "Aww look at him" "I'm surprised he hasn't cried yet" Regie said, "Bro if you say that he...

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"See i told you! Here let me put it on him" Oliver gave Sebastian over to Darren and Darren carefully took off his current clothes and put the romper on him, "Aww look at him" "I'm surprised he hasn't cried yet" Regie said, "Bro if you say that he's gonna end up crying and we don't want that"

And just then baby cries could be heard coming from Sebastian.

"SEE WHAT DID I TELL YOU" Darren yelled at Regie, "SHUT UP BEFORE HE CRIES EVEN MORE YOU DUMBASS" "Both of you shut up, Olis trying to calm him down right now" Ryan softly said. "Sorry.."

The members quietly waited for Oliver to came back.

"So..?" "He's sleeping in the room so be quiet" Oliver walked over to the couch and sat down. "How are we going to do this?" Oliver asked Tyler, "I'm not too sure myself i mean we have filming and a couple of photoshoots to do and i don't think we can film a video without you know a normal Sebastian and we can't really film videos if we're gonna have to be watching over him"

"We can have Bae or Ty do it?" Darren suggested, "I have to record the videos" Bae responded, "Then Ty it is!" "Hold up now I never agreed to this-" "YAY MANAGER TY"

"oh gosh, fine but on one condition you guys are gonna have to behave while I'm not there okay?"

"Whatchu mean we always behave!" "Darren..." Darren playfully rolled his eyes "Fineee we'll be on our best behavior" "promise?" "Yeah we promise" "good now let's continue looking through the stuff we got"

"What type of food did you guys get?" Oliver asked, "i got him some Gerber baby food jars! Only the apple and carrot flavor though since that's all they had in stock" Ryan looked at Justin with a 'the fuck you on' face, "no they didn't" Justin put his finger over Ryan's lip "shhh" "get your finger off of me" Ryan warned the other as he backed away "meh meh meh" Justin mocked.

"That's all you got him-?" Oliver asked as he took out the jars of baby food from the bags, "Yea! Why, was i supposed to get him something else-?" "Yes! You were supposed to get him baby formula!" "YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT" "Damn Oli he said you didn't tell him" "YES I DID??"

Justin sighed, "Whatever I'll just go back later on and buy it" "you better but anyways for now let's put away all the food and bring all his clothes up to the room" "okay"

The next day went on like normal as they continued to film videos.

Oliver started the intro,"Hey stars welcome back to another YouTube video! You guys may be wondering where Sebastian is and well he isn't with us at the moment but that's okay! For this video we will be playing twister EXTREME EDITION" Oliver yelled out while 'flexing' his muscles "YAHHH"

"I GOT A TOE CRAMP I GOT A TOE CRAMP" Justin rolled out of the twister mat as Ryan laughed at the other having a hard time breathing due to how hard he was laughing.

"WAHHHHH" "oh goodness" Tyler whispered to himself as he took baby Sebastian to the kitchen and tried to tend to him. He was watching the group from afar until Sebastian started crying.

Oliver jogged over to them and gently grabbed Sebastian, "Here i got this"  he started cradling the baby in his arms, "Are you hungry? Do you need a diaper change?" He asked seb while checking his diaper.

"Oh thank goodness it isn't a diaper change then that must mean that you're hungry right? Let's go get you some food, c'mon"

He sat the baby down on his high chair and began to take his food out. "Open wide, good job!" He fed Sebastian until he finished his food.

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