Chapter 1: Hidden color

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Wenesday: 6:00 p.m. Benham forest

Sideswipe was walking at the forest for a night view. He was bored to stay at home all night. So he decide to go for a walk. While he was walking he notice himself was glowing in the nighttime. He glow color in red and he back glow as it form a phoenix wing.

Sideswipe: What am I glowing in red? and why do I have a form of phoenix wing's glow at my back?

His lurked power then form in his eye. Sideswipe shocked lurked power was activate.

Sideswipe: My lurked power is activate...

He then notice himself that he has a hidden color was his true color inside him. But he want to know what are his true color inside him.

Sideswipe: Maybe I should asked dad what is my true color on myself.

He then transform and drove off back to his house.

8:12 p.m. Sideswipe house.

Sideswipe arrived at his house at 8:12 p.m. He transform into a bot mode and he goes inside. He goes to living and take a rest from the walk. Sunstreaker come downstairs and he saw Sideswipe was relaxing at the couch.

Sunstreaker: Hey Sides. I don't know you're back from the walk. So how was at the walk?

Sideswipe: Good eventually.

Sunstreaker: That's good to hear.

Sideswipe: By the way where is dad Sunny? I want to ask him something.

Sunstreaker: He still on the work Sides. He'll be back a little bit late.

Sideswipe: Oh ok. I'll ask him something tomorrow.

Sunstreaker: Alright, now go take a shower and go to bed it's getting late now.

Sideswipe: Ok.

Sideswipe then goes to upstairs as he taking a shower. After he takes his shower he then goes to his room and dry himself. He then change into pajamas and turned off the light and went to his bed to get some sleep.

Thursday: 6:00 a.m. Benham High school

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker arrived at the school as they transform into a bot mode. Guren and Gory was waiting for them. 

Guren: Good morning Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.

Sideswipe: Good morning Guren and Gory.

Gory: Come on. Let's go inside boys.

Sunstreaker: We're going in.

With that they all go inside the school as they walked to their locker to take out their chemistry book for their first class. After they take the chemistry book out. The bell ring and they make their way to Chemistry class.

At Chemistry class

They all focus what teacher say as he written on the board. After that the teacher gave everyone a quiz paper.

Teacher: Alright class. you have chemistry quiz today. So I want you to complete this quiz inside this paper. You have 25 minutes to complete it. So remember you are not allowed to cheating in the quiz. If I caught you cheating. You'll be sent to detention. Your time start now!

With that everyone do the chemistry quiz. Guren notice Sideswipe feel like something bothering him. 

Guren:* In mind* What's bothering him? I should ask him after class.

Then, he keep on solving the chemistry quiz.

After class

They four went out from class as they walked to their locker. Guren then ask Sideswipe something.

Guren: Hey Sides.

Sideswipe: Yea what is it Guren?

Guren: What's bothering you during at the chemistry class?*open the locker and put chemistry book away*

Sideswipe: Oh about that. It's just nothing!*open the locker and put chemistry book away*

Guren: You sure?*Take out History book and Art book and close the locker*

Sideswipe: Yea.*Take out  History book and Art book and close the locker*

Guren: Ok then I guess.

Sideswipe: Let's just go to History class now.

Time skip

After school 12:30 p.m. Sideswipe house.

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe arrived at their home after school has ended. They both transform into a bot mode as they got inside the house. 

Sideswipe: Dad!

Sunstreaker: We're home.

Their father was cooking at the kitchen for lunch. He then saw his two son was back from school.

Vibratesun: Oh you boys back from school already? So how was school?

Sideswipe: Good dad.

Sunstreaker: Yea.

Vibratesun: Alright boys lunch will be ready in a few minutes if you boys has homework please do it now.

Sunstreaker: Ok.

Sunstreaker then go upstairs Sideswipe still stand there. Vibratesun notice that he want to talk to him. 

Vibratesun: Come here son. I know you want to talk to me.

Sideswipe then goes to his father. As he ready to ask him.

Sideswipe: Dad. Can I ask you something?

Vibratesun: *chuckled softly* Sure son. What do you want to ask?

Sideswipe: Well last night I was going for a walk at the forest. Then I notice myself glowing with my true color and even my back glow and form aphoenix wing.

Vibratesun shocked after he heard his son was glowing his true color as he finish cooking.

Vibratesun: Really?! What true color you glow?

Sideswipe: Red.. What's the true color of red dad?

Vibratesun then put his hand on his son shoulder as he smiled.

Vibratesun: Well your true color of red is action, fierce, joy, anger, brave and leadership. Not at all it also mean radiance, love and also a willpower as well. Your mother was like that as well. She glow with her true color and it's the same color like you does.

Sideswipe shocked and he understanding what his father say about his true color.

Sideswipe: Oh now I see.

Vibratesun smiled and he was happy to hear Sideswipe showing his true color.

Vibratesun: *In mind* Well done son. Your mother really gonna be so proud. She's watching you now son.

To be continued.

Chapter 2 coming tomorrow

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