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Steve and Bucky are going to the shops
"You coming buck I'm going to the shops"the blonde shouts from the door."yes yes yes yes" the brunette excitedly says wile jumping up and down."get your shoes on then" the blonde orders.Bucky quickly put his shoes on and went to go leave."Ah Bucky get back here"the blonde says in a stern tone.Bucky closes the door and walks up to Steve confused on what he had done wrong."come on buck put your coat on it's cold"the blonde says to the brunette."but Steve I'm I'm going to be to hot and plus I don't like my coat"Bucky wines."borrow one of mine"Steve implies."but I just don't like coats,I don't like wearing them"Bucky moans like a child."come on buck put a coat on I don't want you getting sick"Steve says holding up and coat."uhh fine"Bucky says as Steve helps in put his coat on."now can we go"Bucky wines."yes we can you just like a child you"Steve says grabbing Bucky's had and leading him out the door.

At the shops
"Stevie can I push the shopping cart please"Bucky asks Steve like he's a child."no cause last time you tried to go down the ramp in it and fell out of it and broke you arm"Steve says."Iv growing up since then tho"Bucky says."Bucky you 106 and you still act like a child I don't think you'll ever grown up"Steve jokes."I don't like you anymore I'm going to get some sweets"Bucky says annoyed and storms off.

Steve gets all the shopping and goes to look for Bucky.Steve sees Bucky still looking for sweets but he can only see that back of him."BUCK! come one let's go home".Steve says grabbing Bucky's shoulder.Bucky gets a fright and turns around and he's crying."Bucky what's the matter darling"Steve says concerned."T-t-this guy cam past and pushed his shopping cart into me then said its all my fault and that I should go die"Bucky says crying his eyes out."hey hey hey James Bucky barns you do not deserve to go and die.hey come here"Steve let's go of the shopping cart and hugs Bucky."Bucky what's your most favourite thing in the world"Steve asks."you"Bucky says still with his head on Steve."right...what's your most favourite thing besides me" Steve asks agin.the brunette took a minute to think then he said"probably something soft and fluffy"."come on then let's go find you something" Steve says standing Bucky up straight."no it's fine Steve I'm fine you don't have to get me anything" Bucky says look at Steve who was trying to drag Bucky to the blankets and teddy's."yes I do come on" Steve says.they go to the blankets and teddy's.Bucky's face lights up when he sees this teddy bear that was the same colour as Steve's hair.Steve sees Bucky's face and says "do you want that one buck"."can I have it Steve" Bucky asks."yes you can have it I said you could get something didn't I"Steve says to Bucky how has ahold of the teddy."I love you so much Steve"Bucky says hugging Steve.

They go to the till and buy everything and go back home."Steve my teddy is the same colour as your hair that's why I picked it cause it reminds me of you" Bucky happily says.Steve smiles and mutters to himself "he really is just a big kid"."Steve you know how you go an missions and I miss you" Bucky says."yes I do know how I go on missions and you miss me"Steve says suspiciously."can u spry your aftershave o my teddy cause it reminds me of you and it would make me really happy when your gone"Bucky says looking directly into Steves eyes."yes you can"Steve says."YEAH!"Bucky shouts running to there bedroom we're Steve's aftershave is.Steve follows Bucky and watches him spry his aftershave on his teddy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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