Camilo says dropping a brick stone,

The town has decided to help us rebuild Casita, my family was helping too.

"Alright, what's wrong Camilo, you've been acting weird ever since we had that private talk with Elena!"

"Maybe it's about what she said about not loving me? Ever think of that Y/N? Of course you wouldn't."
He says frowning.

".. Oh, sorry I won't bother you, I guess you need time to fix your feelings, you know you still have a chance with her."

"Sorry, I didn't want to come off as mean."
He apologizes.

"Its fine, like I said before I know I can come off as annoying sometimes."
I laugh a bit.

"No- Y/N, I really am sorry, I just- I really loved her...and just I found out she only dated me because.."

"I'm getting in your way I guess?"
I say with a smile.


"Look Camilo, I would love to help you with your crisis, but if you haven't figured out whether you still love Elena or not, then don't update me yet, there's still a lot of work to do."


"I'll talk to you later."
I walk out.

Camilo POV

Why did I say that? Why can't I just confess properly!?

"You having trouble?"
Elena appears beside me.

Gosh your the last person I want beside me right now.

"I know you probably hate me, but you might be overwhelmed with Y/N's understanding personality."

"I guess..I mean the only time I've ever seen her angry with someone was when Abuela got angry at Mirabel."

"She's used to doing that you know."


"Bottling up her feelings, the reason why she's so understanding is because she lived as everyone emotional support her entire life, always helping everyone, always being there for others, but no one was ever there for her."

"Why do you assume that?"
I say.

"She's like a puzzle and I just figured her out, besides, as her best friend, I might not be the one for her, but I know YOU are Camilo."


"I know you love her, she needs someone right now, a shoulder to cry on."

"I'll be the one there for her then."

"That's the spirit! Now go get your girl!"

"Thanks Elena, I guess you aren't that bad after all."
I hug her as she smiles at me as I run away find Dolores.

Huh, I guess he figured out he loves her.
I think as I look at Camilo hugging Elena

Didnt expect her to go back to him though.

Mirabel walks towards me.

"Oh! Mirabel! How's Casita?"

"You know, it's not exactly Casita anymore since the candle.. Died out."

"I know, I just grown attached to the name."
I say chuckling.

"I saw Camilo and Elena."
Mirabel says.

"Yeah, guess they decided to stay together."
I stretch my arm that seems to be in a ton of pain from the fall earlier.

"Camilo loves YOU Y/N."

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